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How Parents Are Made


How Parents Are Made

How Parents Are Made

“Children with special needs aren’t sent to special parents, they make parents special.”

When that powerful quote found its way onto my social media feed, I caught my breath. In the similar way to how Shonda Rhimes resonates every Thursday night in her opening and closing lines of each Grey’s Anatomy episode, it challenged me.

Since the twins’ diagnosis, I’ve settled on the mentality that we were given this family, because Steph and I could be to them what someone else couldn’t. I’ve cringed at my poor parenting, and picked up pieces of my broken heart during the really hard moments of COVID-19, and all the chaos it’s ensued on their diagnosis that catch me when I’m too tired or too frustrated to be the best version of myself. The last few days, in particular, in dealing with the loss of my Nana, has left me emotionally spent, with very little energy available for anything else.

I have questioned a million times over the saying “you are only given what you can handle”, and used it to comfort the exhaustion away, with some naive hope that we were special and chosen for our kids because we had the patience, kindness and life experience that would make us exactly what they needed; exactly what our magical children deserved as they navigated life with the autism diagnosis.

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And then the coin flipped.

What if we weren’t here for them, but they were sent for us? What if they were gifted to us to make us better people, make us more patient, more kind, and provide the life experience in raising them that we will ultimately need for something bigger in this life? 

This last week has been tough in our journey with autism, particularly in managing the constant behavioral outbursts. Not only are they boys, but add the twin factor, and the little sense of remorse Luca feels (currently), with every weight of remorse that Jack feels (hopefully only currently as well) and it’s been a non-stop fist fight for days. I will say, Luca has a serious potential career in baseball- as he can nail his brother in the face, every time, with his water bottle, from as far as 10 feet away. But last night, he decided to give his sister a try, while she was just sitting there watching TV, and the bruise is still fresh on her cheek.

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When we try to talk to him about it, he scripts an “I’m sorry” and goes back to his business, without any explanation of why the behavior happened, or indication on how to redirect it (or even intercept it) in the future. I keep going back to remembering that all behavior is communication, but I can’t figure out the lesson in this. And just when I was finding comfort in the expansion of his vocabulary through the great work happening at his school, life got paused for the world, and I now worry that my lack of teaching experience will cause a regression in our sweet boy’s progress. I worry that my own inability to muster the energy he needs, that he used to get from a one-on-one presence in his aid, for an entire school day, where he was tended to, challenged, inspired, loved and entertained by, will make him angrier as each day goes by.

As I watch our daughter during quarantine, who takes her naps without fuss, plays joyfully with Jack in between them, eats anything (and everything) out of the pantry and fridge, and is more than content to cuddle up to a movie on the couch, I let that concept of children gifted to their parents sink in. If we ever needed to believe that we were decent parents and had any chance of being what our twins need for the next however many decades we are blessed with them, Alex gives us that reassurance hourly.

Because, if I’m being honest, on the really hard days especially lately during quarantine in COVID-19, a parent to a special needs child could be asking themselves, “what did I do to deserve this?” I know I have. Especially at 1am, when Luca is having another sleepless night with autism, and in his frustration he’s kicked me so hard in the face I know I’ll have a decent shiner the next morning. Despite whatever pity party my small violins start to play, they are always followed by the sad question of: “what did this beautiful, sweet boy do to deserve feeling like his only resort to communication is to fist fight or hurt someone until they understood what he was feeling?” 

I hope, dear reader, that as you read that statement you felt the humanity behind it. Because although those moments are few and far between, they are real, and they are something that I know I’m not alone in feeling. If I am to share our journey with you, I need you to see all of it. And maybe, by my sharing, it can help someone else to understand from my perspective they didn’t already have. 

For every moment our life gets so hard that I don’t know what I’m doing, that I question if I can keep going, or that I start to question why I was chosen for this, I have 1,000 more moments of joy, and completely rewarding love, and a reminder that I am worthy. Parenting, and every moment of it, is a gift. Parenting during COVID-19, however, is an even greater gift. Because during these unprecedented times we have to parent at a whole other level. Even though I know it’s a gift, and completely worth it, I’d be lying through my teeth if I didn’t admit to wanting to quit on the daily lately.

Many parents are being asked to work full-time jobs from their homes while ensuring their children don’t fall behind in school. Parents like ourselves, who have littles with special needs, are being asked to find greater patience, greater understanding, and quite frankly, a greater sense of fun to keep each day and every day healthy, safe, and open to learning for their littles.

I didn’t sign up for this. Despite being on every possible wait list for ABA services in the home, I hadn’t found time to apply for social security for the boys, which I was told would be the only way I’d ever get to the front of the list to get help, because I knew the incredible team that was working for them at school was killing it, so social security fell low on the priority list. I had no way to know that we’d be quarantined with returning to school a dream far off in the long distance future. We’re not even sure if they’ll get to go to summer school, or what will happen this fall if we get another wave of this. Even as I type this, the weight of my anxiety sits in my chest and it’s suffocating, knowing that in my email inbox is a letter from the school asking that I wave the state requirement for our kids to get the services they need- because during a state of emergency they cannot provide them at this time.

Staying solution-oriented, the only perspective I need to have is to just keep going. My family is healthy. We have an incredible nanny who is helping every day, which is leading to proactively stopping Luca’s aggression at least 50% more than I can on my own, resulting in 50% less chances of injuries that put our family needing to go to the ER. The kids are loved and cared for and safe. 

If I adjust my understanding from that we’re not given more than we can handle, to the idea that every test of the last few weeks, and last four years since we became parents, are lessons and opportunities to learn how to be a better parent, inevitably being able to handle more adversity, change and growth, then maybe COVID-19 won’t seem like a nightmare of a running a marathon I didn’t train for. Maybe adapting the student perspective, believing that every behavior is communication, turning on those listening ears I keep begging Jack to make sure are working on his head - maybe then this will start to feel more like the training piece… the starting from scratch, learning how to use my muscles to work for me, listening to what they need as they train for the many miles ahead… sharing stories with strangers to help pass the time, making life-long friends from the similar terrain we run together… maybe then, this will just be an introduction to the beautiful adventure ahead - the one where the finish line isn’t why you started running in the first place.

Every child is magical in their own way, unique and different and bound to be incredible humans one day. But those on the autism spectrum, as they dance outside the circle a neurotypical child typically operates within, showcases focused areas of attention where their magic can truly shine. Where there may be areas of learning that do not come naturally to them, it leaves room for the areas they truly care about, and due to that extra space of interest and excitement, can teach you things you may never have known before.

For my fellow marathon runners on this new terrain of parenting, remember to keep eyes ahead, breath through the tough moments where your body tells you want to quit, and rely on that muscle memory built from love, sweat and tears… If you need someone to run a few miles with, I’m here… with stories to distract you, and working listening ears at your disposal, for as long as the pavement lies ahead. You’ve got this. Xo


Raising the Wild...


Raising the Wild...

To the ones raising strong-willed children, who have big feelings but haven’t fully learned how to work through them yet, during this “unprecedented time” of social distancing and quarantine… this one’s for you…

We made it through our second week of home schooling for our twins this week, and I’m wiped. Going into the self-quarantine, and taking on working from home while trying to home-school three kids under the age of five (with help), I naively thought my greatest challenges would lie in working with Luca, and meeting his needs in the dependable way his teachers do at school. He has a team working for him five days a week, observing, evaluating, and attending to him during school hours in ways that I had no idea how I’d be able to while at home. I worried about his aggressive outbursts, and how I’d manage them in the hours I would be outnumbered 3:1, especially if they got more frequent with the lack of scheduled activities and individual attention his aid gives him.

But ya’ll… NOT EVEN CLOSE.

I’m exhausted.

I’m fried.

I’m wiped.

Not because working with Luca to meet his needs hasn’t taken energy- it has - but he’s been awesome, and receptive, and worked on using his language in ways I wasn’t able to experience before. It’s actually been incredibly rewarding.

I’m tired, not because our toddler, Alex, who is missing daycare and friends in her expected neurotypical fashion, and is needing extra attention because others are not seeking hers in the classroom.

I’m worried about how long the status quo is going to last in our new normal because lately, I feel like I’m…

Raising the WILD.

No, seriously.

Our sweet, caring, and completely impressive boy, Jack, is so strong-willed that I think he might break me. He questions everything all day long. He’s the first to rise in the house, pulling me out of bed before the sun’s come up- and quite frankly- far before anyone else in our household is willing to join him.

I’ve shared how he feels big feelings, but, lord give me strength, his feelings since not having school and connection to friends every day are MASSIVE. They span the open dessert for miles and miles and the suck up every breath of air I have during the day.

Our nanny and I will set up the lessons for the day, and just as we’re patting each other on the back because it’s going well, it’s like his time of the month hits and just because Luca is enjoying it, it means he can’t, and we’re completely derailed.

Every time he decides to share these feelings with our social distanced world, they hit a volume that I swear pulls our neighbors into our bubble, despite that we are acres away from them physically.

And lately, the following tools are what we are focused on having him master:

  • Gentle Hands

  • Teasing isn’t Kind

  • Soft Voice and Open Listening Ears

  • Space is Kind

That is the nicest way I feel like I can frame for you the constant tackling of siblings with strength that can hurt and injure, the need to push every button Luca has, the volume of his whine, and the refusal to read the room when someone doesn’t want him on top of him, in case he were ever to read this one day.

Ya’ll…. even when his sister is napping and it’s the nanny and I with the twins, and one on one time is available, it’s still our biggest challenge.

At one point this week, when we learned that schools were indefinitely closed until at least May 4- but let’s be realistic, most likely the rest of the semester - Jack and I were already having a tough day. His anxiety was high, and even though he had had BEAUTIFUL moments throughout the day, when he was able to name his feelings and work through them, or ask for help when needed - I was FRIED, and more so with not having a date at which I needed to make it to, when we could all go back to the normal we so desperately miss.

After I finally got him to bed, during not the easiest bedtime routine, I snapped at my wife, and even went upstairs to take some space of my own. After putting away the laundry that had been haunting me all week, sending the emails to the kids teachers with photos of proof of what’s gotten completed throughout the day, and completing a few business-related tasks for my wife, I finally made it to the shower. I could feel myself relax, had a decent therapeutic cry, and when I finally made it to my pajamas, I could hear my father’s words from the speech at my wedding ring through my ears: “she had a flair for the dramatic”.

I winced.

I laughed.

I smiled, remembering the adoration he had in his voice when he said it.

And then I looked up to the heavens and said “Dear Lord, please don’t let this be my karma.” I’m going to naively continue to live in denial thinking he was merely referencing the many performances on stage he watched during my short-lived theatre career and that 4-year-degree as a Theatre major he helped to pay for. (Humor me!)

Here I was, week two of quarantine, feeling pretty lousy in a pity party of exhaustion, and I was acting like my four-year-old child to my adult spouse. I hadn’t gotten a chance to shower that day, so I wasn’t feeling like my best self to start. I was hungry, because I had maybe been able to snack throughout the day, but despite getting dinner on the table for her, never actually got to eat myself. And the glass of wine that I had on an empty stomach was definitely not the wisest choice.

I was having BIG FEELINGS, and not able to deal with them.

I wasn’t using my words.

I wasn’t asking for help.

I wasn’t owning how the quarantine was making me feel. I missed my family. I missed my friends. I missed my spouse. I missed my freedom when all three kids were at school. My anxiety was through the roof, and hadn’t had a break to speak to the one person who for 45 minutes only cared about how I was doing, and let me talk about anything I needed to say. And I was ASHAMED I was having those feelings.

Just earlier that day I was talking with a friend I admired and cared for, who was working through her anxiety about leaving her family every shift, to work in the NIC-U as one of the most heroic nurses I could think of. Her anxiety was real. Mine was selfish and unplaced, and I was disappointed in myself that I wasn’t able to handle things better for Jack that day, or with my spouse.

What’s going on in the world is “unprecedented” - this term that is making so many of us roll our eyes because it does nothing to reassure us that the worst isn’t the yet to come. The unknown makes things feel hopeless and doomed for worst case scenarios in ways that can make us feel unhinged.

Imagine what it feels like for our wild ones, who haven’t been able to fully comprehend the social stories we’re trying to give them to understand why one day they were living their best lives, and the next day they were told they couldn’t see their friends, learn with their teachers, and play in public places or intimate play dates.

If we as adults, with decades more life experience than our kids, are having a hard time, then maybe we can find some grace and perspective for our littles who only know one way to feel.

If you are raising the wild-hearted, passionate, and dramatic at times souls that I feel like we are in Jack, I need you to hear me when I say, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. This is hard, ya’ll. None of it is easy. But having the unruly who can’t comprehend the simple requests that could make life “simpler” during a difficult time, like “keep your hands off your sister”, or “please keep your voice down”, or “stop teasing or he’s going to beat the crap out of you every time! (no one else? that’s just me? oh, well, ok then… ;p )… and maybe are asking “why” 1,000 times a day because they actually want to learn why something is happening during a time they just can’t understand… YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

The one driving force to my staying sane as I manage all the BIG FEELINGS going on in our household during quarantine, social distancing, and homeschooling, is that something I assume about most of the kindred spirits in my life, who I rely on to keep me steady during turmoil and chaos, inspire me to be a better person because they expect more of me, and are passionate game changers leaving an impactful footprint on this world.

As the week continued, when Jack was overly loud, or extremely needy, or beyond frustrated- I focused on what I’ve found to work from him in the past: we talked through feelings, used token boards where he could earn a preferred activity once he tackled a wanted behavior five times, and used books and songs to understand why we feel certain emotions throughout the day. His favorite, is “Belly Breath” by Common and Colbie Caillat, in case you have a child that might be interested.

Instead of Jack being able to just say “I’m ANGRY”, or “I’m sad”, we worked on adding the “because…” to complete the sentence. By the end of the week, although the tantrums were still at large and the behaviors continual, he was able to express why he was feeling how he was feeling twice on Friday, and even shared with Luca that he needed to “belly breath” because he was “so mad he could not be kind” - his words, hand to God.

I have no idea how long this new normal is going to last. There are days it feels like we are living in Hunger Games or The Maze, and it’s all some kind of Big Brother experiment. All we can do is continue to hope for warm weather where our children can run the wild out before it takes over our sanity. As parents, my wife and I are focused on trying to give Jack the tools he needs to harness that energy and use it for good one day.

With no control over how many more tantrums are in store for us during this new season, or “accidental” injuries are caused to his little sister when he plays too rough, or buttons he pushes with Luca that initiate aggressive reactions… I have little advice on how to navigate the unknown while raising the wild in this different time. But what I can share, is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and let’s hope that all of their determination stays strongly grounded in their souls, and used to change the world for the better one day, because as a parent who is dealing with it hourly - trust me when I tell you, it’s not something you want to reckon with.

I look forward to witnessing their passionate advocacy, creatively found solutions, and unwillingness to give up on what they care about, for they are who will be our mark on the world, as we were the ones responsible for raising the wild.



And then, there's Alli...


And then, there's Alli...

More often then not, when I share our journey with Autism, I’ll write in detail about Jack and Luca, as the diagnosis with Autism lies with them. But really, it’s all of our journey with autism. Not just the twins who are navigating each of their unique diagnosis, or us as their parents learning how to parent it every day… it’s her’s too.

Alli is neurotypical, at least from what we know so far. She’s spunky and sassy, and sweeter than sugar. Girlfriend has a waddle that puts a penguin to shame, and a heart of gold that can melt any of your worst fears away. She loves to go to daycare with friends, can’t only have one oreo - ever - and has a sweet spot for her Pop Pop, in a way that she never holds back from him.

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When Alex is sick, all she wants to do is snuggle on the couch, and although she’ll chase after her brothers like the best of them, she’s also more then content to get lost in a good movie. When she’s hungry, she’ll eat anything from a cheese stick and raisins, to carrots and chicken, to won ton soup and crab rangoon - no limitations or hesitations on anything we put in front of her. She takes medicine when she’s told, especially when she doesn’t feel goo, and she’s slept through the night since 2 months old. When Alli wants something, she asks for it, and if you can’t understand what she’s telling you, she brings you directly to what she wants until you can figure it out long enough to get it for her. And Alex understands when something is not “safe for her body” without too much fuss or an argument, or our needing to remove her from a situation so she doesn’t hurt herself. Don’t get me wrong, she is a toddler, for sure, and there are caveats to everything listed above, but she’s a typical toddler, something that was foreign to us before our rainbow baby.

She’s our third child, and like most third children, she gets the benefit and the cost of having older siblings. She has tiny humans to learn from, and parents who aren’t on their first go-around, but she also gets less of the excitement when she accomplishes a first, and less of the individual attention. She has best friends at her disposal any hour of the day while at home - which right now, during COVID19’s quarantine, is incredibly handy - but she also has two other humans vying for her parents attention at all times.

She is neurotypical, and because of that, she’s provided us a different understanding of parenting, as we know she comprehends things that her older brothers cannot, and handles things differently as a whole. Although we treat all our children equally, the boys autism has taught us about certain comfort levels for foods, sensory overloads, learning, social settings, etc. For Alex, we’re learning, she’s pretty easy going, and outside of asthma and age appropriate bouts of stranger-danger, hasn’t really shown to have situations we need to prepare for every day like we do with the twins.

Where they excel, in certain areas of their magic, she may never thrive. She may never know the 80 different types of sharks that live in the sea (exaggerating on the number), or every line of the Big Bad Wolf in the 20 different adaptations there are out there. She may have to study really hard for a test, where her brother(s) have heightened memories and can remember anything from reading it once. She may thrive in social settings, have great groups of friends, and find that social interaction gives her great satisfaction, when her brother(s) may find great comfort in one or two friends instead.

I wonder what this will be like for her when she grows up. I wonder how this will shape her life, having two autistic brothers. I wonder what her perspective will be. I believe this child will be an empathic, someone who will be a caretaker, both in her field of employment, but also in her personal life. How could she not, growing up in the life that has chosen her.

Although I wonder about all the possibilities that could make her life full, and wonderful, there is a part of me scared to admit that I wonder about the chances that could make life feel like less, and potentially, resentful. Even the loveliest of human beings are human. Like in the amazing movie, Wonder, during the scene where the older sister admits that her parents never had time for her, and even those she loved her brother more than anything in the world, it could make her feel very alone at times- I worry that Alli could be sad that the twins require so much of our time.

I think, for all our children, all we can ever do is try our best, and hope for the best, while remaining aware and in tune at all times. This happy-go-lucky toddler provides no room for concern at the moment, and very well may read this one day and laugh at my “worries and wonders” because they were for no reason. At least, I’ll take comfort in that hope for now, continuing to share Alli’s story as well, because I do think it’s an adorable, important, and instrumental part of our journey.






Over the last few days, I’ve had Ryan Tedder’s words ring through my head… “Can I get a connection, can I get, can I get a connection… I can see it in my, see it in my reflection… Oh, can I get a connection?”

Ya’ll… we’re oversaturated in learning so much about the current pandemic of COVID19, that it’s hard to think about anything else. As humans who crave that human connection from others, social distancing is something that is scaring some into seclusion, while being ignored by others who aren’t giving it the weight of seriousness it deserves. As parents to autistic twins, one of which thrives from other social interaction, and one of which who could care less if he has it, we can see so many perspectives on the state of our country, and how it impacts our family, and those around us.

As I scroll through my social media feeds, I’m seeing the following…

Friends laid off because they can’t work as schools and public places are shut down. These same friends have families to provide for, and responsibilities to take care of - a heavy burden to bear while in this heightened state of anxiety while we watch the nation’s crisis unfold before our very eyes.

Friends doing the laying off because their organizations cannot withstand the financial hit the pandemic' and the quarantines it is requiring to stop the spread are causing. These friends are doing incredible good for our world, and did not wish to lay off the hard working employees who have given their organizations so much of their time, energy, and commitment.

Friends who work at our bars and restaurants, places where so many of us go to get away from our lives for a night, where someone else waits on us, answers our every request, provides us food and beverage, and often listen to our problems which are not theirs, just to make us feel better - who don’t know what the status of their crucial income will be during the quarantines.

Friends who are parents who are preparing for the home school that will need to happen during the two (or three in our case) week period where their children are home from school for quarantine; trying to understand how to best meet their needs for learning and routine and social interactions crucial to their continuing to grow, while working to earn a living that makes all of that possible for their children. We are in this boat.

Friends who work in our healthcare system, are first responders, and fire and police officers, risking the front lines each shift, to take care of those in need, protecting those who need protection, while aware of their heighten chance of exposure, and the chance they bring it home to their families.

And then I see the response the virus that isn’t serious, and I think about my friends that are listed above, dealing with how the pandemic is effecting their lives, who are also witnessing messaging that may feel like it’s downplaying said impact, or even worse, mocking it.

I’m not here to preach, each effected by the status of our current situation as a world is to deal with it however they can, in whatever way they need to. Hey, we have a son who laughs when he has hurt someone because he hasn’t learned how to deal with shame or regret. We understand first hand how everyone deals with emotions, and how they express them, differently.

All I’m saying is, as we look towards the ever important “connection”, particularly while our world is in crisis, that maybe we should be careful about what connections we are putting out there for any and all to reach.

An incredible human being - like seriously one of the best - named Nancy Lyons, for whom I have the utmost respect and admiration for, went live to Instagram yesterday, and her REALLY COOL company, Clockwork, gave a recap in this article about Social Distancing with Humanity, on ways we can provide connections to those who need it - without compromising others. Check out the list of really smart ways we can provide that connection we’re all craving, and add yours to the list!

Here are a few ways that we intend to connect over the next three weeks, as our children’s school was required to shut down until April 3, and it will require a new way of operating as a family until next month.


Our twins are on the spectrum, so they survive off of routine, but even their little sister Alex finds greater success each day when she knows what to expect (schedule-wise), what’s expected of her (behavior-wise), and when she will get the things she needs each day (food and rest) outside of the social interaction from peers. As we are under quarantine- social interaction in person is a hard stop- but, like we suggested for Clockwork’s list- Facetime play dates and check-ins are definitely something we can arrange, and have begun to do so. Whether it be virtual story-time, or a game of iSpy, there are different ways that we can use Facetime to feel like we are playing with friends without losing out on that in person connection gratification.


I noticed on our town’s Facebook group, that the local senior center was requesting if kids wanted to be pen pals to their residents. My kids can’t write, but they LOVE to send video messages, particularly when singing Happy Birthday. I messaged their director, offering this, and am working to have them sing Happy Birthday in individual messages to anyone that might be celebrating a birthday but can’t have outside visitors.


I’m going to rely on visual schedules, online guides to activities, pinterest boards for how to make something from nothing, and any resources their teachers provide to keep up with the twins IEPs in order to fill the kids days with on going learning and fun. The amazing @MrsRachelHollis preaches that you can learn ANYTHING with a google search bar and a growth mindset, so this month, I’m going to learn how to be what my kids need so that the learning does not stop, and that this doesn’t become a miserable experience for all of us. Hopefully, in that process, as I continue to gain appreciation for everything their amazing teachers and administrators are, I may gain additional appreciation for myself, and the ability to show up as the parent they need, during their time of need.


This is going to give a LOT of quality time with my kids over the next month. My wife’s company will continue to operate in the homes that are willing, as her employees need the hours, but the majority of the time I’ll be with the three babes. These are moments I’d miss out on without this opportunity. This is a gift. Where some are looking at it as a disaster, I’m hoping considering this perspective will help change some of that. Yes, no one is saying this will be easy, and it’s SUPER easy to have perspective when you haven’t even hit day one yet, BUT as a reminder - there are too many parents who would give anything to get time with their kids like this. There are too many parents who have lost their children to difficult battles with fatal diseases, or tragic accidents, that would give ANYTHING to be forced into quarantine with their children for three weeks. This is a gift. A chance to know them better. A chance for them to know me better. A chance to roll up my sleeves, tackle this ABA thing, work through all my anxieties, and show up for my family. This is a gift, and one I am grateful for.


One of the best messages I’ve seen come across my feed, and have gone on to share, as well as watched friends then share from my feed, is the offer to help anyone who needs it. We do not have an endless supply of toilet paper or food, but we can easily share with those who need it. We may not be able to offer child care (because I’m still figuring out how to go solo for three kids, two with special needs) but we’re happy to be Facetime buddies with your kids to help with boredom or joint home school lesson planning. We may not have hours on end to help a neighbor with all their errands, but we could easily find coverage for an hour or two to ensure they have the groceries and medicine they need by running to the store for them and dropping the items off if they are unable. And for those friends suffering from anxiety like I do, or working through something they just need someone to talk with about, but can’t make it to a licensed therapist during quarantine- by no means do I have a license, but I do have air pods, and a great sense of empathy from experience, and would be happy to be your listening ears at your time of need.


You better believe that even though I can’t typically make it to my awesome local Mom’s group’s MOM’S NIGHT OUT, that I will be FRONT AND CENTER with a big glass of wine, for the virtual version later this week. I even offered to figure out what tool we should use to make it possible. Because THAT will be a connection where I can vent, laugh, probably cry, and relate to my peers in a really healthy selfish way. Counting down the days ladies. Counting down the days…

Think about these connections as you are sharing things on social media. We’re all scrolling like crazy. Remember the friends I spoke for earlier in this post. And maybe, post with greater grace and understanding for those this impacts, even if you feel like you aren’t one of them…

So, Can I get a connection?… xo


Our Little Luca...


Our Little Luca...

Sometimes, being accepted and seen, for who we are, is exactly what we need to succeed.

This is Luca. He’ll turn 5 at the end of August, and is finishing his second full year at an amazing school in our town, where the strides he has made since he arrived take our breath away. Just yesterday, I met with his team of teachers that work with our boy for over five hours a day, five days a week, providing him the opportunity to strive as he has. (Yes, you’ve read that once before, when I described his twin, Jack, just days ago.)

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As a twin, I know Luca entered this life in constant comparison to his brother Jack. When they both arrived at Moose Hill at age 3, they were given separate IEP (Individualized Education Plans), as each had separate needs. Uniquely designed goals and objectives to work to bring each child closer to a successful integration in the classroom when it came time.

Luca’s parent teacher conferences are structured differently than Jack’s, as Luca only just integrated part-time into the classroom. Jack had advanced to a partial integration last year, but fully integrated this year, which is why when I met with his team, we were able to do so in less than 20 minutes. For Luca, I set aside an hour plus, because I always know that I’ll get such wonderfully intentional attention.

My time at his school that morning started in observing behind the classroom door. Luca has trouble with transitions, particularly around when I arrive at school, because it typically means he’s sick, or has to leave for a doctor’s appointment. Although I’d be allowed to observe in the classroom, knowing he’s not quite ready yet, and not wanting to interrupt his learning, I take my place hidden in the hallway, where I can watch how he interacts with his peers.

That morning, Luca was the class helper, and was excited to invite his friends to line up. I observed how he played alongside so many friends, with a consistent noise and activity level that he seemed to work through with ease. Just last year, this would have sent him off the deep end. But there he was, working with his aid on stacking cups, identifying colors, and reading books with the sweetest smile across his face.

His INCREDIBLE teacher - yes, I know I reference the administration at the boys school with this word on the regular, and it’s not for a lack of a decent vocabulary, it’s merely that they simply are INCREDIBLE. They are angels, miracle workers, gifted human beings who’s kindness radiates throughout everything they do with our children. I am at continually amazed at how gifted these people are.

His incredible teacher shared with me all the progress he’s made, noting that he is interacting with such thoughtful connection to peers, needing to say hello to each that enters the classroom, and taking time to say goodbye to each before he leaves. (Yes, my papa is in heaven smiling down on this because his Italian grandkids were always taught you give love to everyone in the family both when you enter and exit a gathering, no matter how long it takes.)

She shared that Luca has improved dramatically with intentional eye contact, and although the scripting has been constant, his language has also come so far, and that he has begun to generalize behaviors for each and every aid that he works with - not just the ones he has already paired, bonded with, and prefer. This means that he participates in conversations, naming items when instructed, following directions for activities, and initiating requests of tacting/manding for any adult partner that he works with, even if they change sometimes on a weekly basis. For the last year and a half, Luca has steadily had a consistent aid each six months, and each relationship has been so incredibly special to him. Any time he had to transition to a new one, we’d see the ramifications and after math at home as he worked through the abandonment and the repairing. The fact the he was truly beginning to learn to trust and adjust with ease was such an amazing win!

When I ask how his aggression is displayed in the classroom, bracing myself for what I expect must come as her answer, she explains that because he has an aid at all times, they only see it during auditory overload- when certain friends have louder moments, and even then they will only see him attempt to “bop a friend on the head” - as most times they are able to redirect the behavior before it successfully connects to the target.

We discuss the differences in his behavior in the classroom, and at home, identifying that Luca definitely has auditory triggers that cause the aggression in one of the sweetest boys you could ever meet. She assures me it’s simply his frustration with not having the language he needs, and that the more we give it to him - he will learn to dial back the aggression as the communication starts to connect with diminishing the auditory overload.

We observe his behavior in the classroom for 20 minutes or so, and then go to meet with the rest of his team in the front office conference room. We celebrate how far he’s come, discussing the many achievements he’s tackled over the last year, and we strategize on how we can continue to work in parallel, both in the classroom and at home, to keep the progress steadily moving forward.

When it came time to talk about the future, we did so about both of the boys. Luca was clearly not ready to move ahead to the Kindergarten classroom. Despite that he had made progress, he simply wasn’t wear Jack was, or the rest of the peers in his age group. Being born in August, both the twins are still very young compared to peers, and since Steph and I had discussed in detail our hopes that they would stay back a year to give them the very best chance to succeed in the years ahead, I made the ask. I had plugged the hope during Jack’s parent teacher conference, but was now sitting with the chance to really solidify the reasoning behind the hope.

We don’t want to separate the boys, even though we think it’s wonderful that they are in different classrooms. Where Luca is externally displaying delays, we believe Jack is internally displaying them, and think they both could benefit from another year in this amazing program. I’m not sure what they’ll decide, but fortunately will know soon enough, as both the boys IEP meetings are this spring, where all members of the team for the boys, including their teachers, administrators, and us as their parents, will work to design what the next year of their plan looks like.

What a gift, to be given a team of individuals that wants nothing more than for your child(ren) to succeed. Truly, what a gift.

I know I noted that Jack will make friends anywhere, despite if our holding him back will require a different classroom with new friends. That is his magic.

For Luca, our little Luca, we’re still learning about so much of his magic, particularly the love that lights his heart about the things and friends he cares about. Right now, Luca loves all things to do with the sea, particularly sea animals. He can name EVERY animal that lives in the ocean, and even some in different foreign languages (thanks, YouTube). In the next year, I anticipate that Luca will find the words. He’ll find the words to replace the aggressive behavior that comes from not being able to say how you feel, when you are so lost in frustration you don’t know any other way out. In the next year, I think the sweetest little song that is in his heart will fill with the lyrics of not only his current favorites: Mulan’s Reflection, Elsa’s Show Yourself, and Tip’s Towards the Sun; but of songs we have yet to hear that will capture everything he feels in his own words. Music is where his heart soars in song, and one of the first ways he was ever able to communicate. We can only hope that he holds onto the love of song for years to come.


The Struggle Is Real.


The Struggle Is Real.

Have you ever found yourself struggling as a parent? Where every time you feel like you finally have it figured out, whatever next age or stage hits and you are back to square one of the struggle? Feeling frustrated, defeated, and completely unsure if you can “do this”?

And then, to make matters worse, every time you ask a parent who is further along age/stage wise, when it is going to get easier, the hardest and most frustrating thing to hear was that it won’t. “Not easier just different” they answer- EVERY time.

Parenting twins with special needs has reiterated that phrase in our lives each time I have found myself questioning if I can “do this”, this weekend being one of those moments. 

The struggle is real. And each time in the heat of those peak struggle moments, where all reasoning is gone and I am left on a mountain of built-up of frustration, fear and anger, I convince myself I can’t. I get lost in resentment of thinking “if this doesn’t get easier, I will never be able to survive this.” Not the autism... not the parenting twins... not the having a third... not the what feels like working three full time jobs (1.) in the job force, 2.) as a mom, and 3.) as a spouse....) the combination of trying to do it all without directions or a rule book... each one of those has been something I could tackle at any given moment, but the combination of all of it on any given day feels like the struggle will defeat me. 

I found myself in a pretty pathetic pity party, crying uncontrollably in the weight of it all, after a typical instance occurred on just an average Saturday afternoon. I lost perspective. I lost patience. I lost my grip. I let my child down because in a moment he needed me, I couldn’t show up.

I then took space. Took a breath. Walked away. Accepted help. And found perspective again. 

Have you ever been in that moment of struggle? Where it feels simply impossible to tackle? If so, for the parent that’s in the struggle like I am, here’s what I’ve learned...

Each time it gets unbearable, it’s because soon you will have to be stronger, in a way you never realized. You are building muscle memory and agility to be able to stay calmer longer, find patience faster, and ...

This is your work out.

This is your more than you can handle.

This is when you are thrown the straw that breaks the horses back.

Because it’s not about if you quit. 

It’s not about if you give up.

It’s not about if the straw breaks you.

It’s about what you do in the after math.

You’re a parent. If you quit or gave up it was momentarily. Reality snapped you back to where you had to keep going.

Muscle memory kicked in of needing to respond to a child’s needs. The behavioral pattern of showing up takes over and you do... just like you have, over and over again... you show up. 

There is always a way...

Can you find it? Can you ask for help if you can’t do it alone? Can you be proud of yourself for being willing to try? 

Remember, when working for that ever important perspective, sometimes it’s merely a matter or can’t vs. won’t, or in this case, can vs. will.

In case this was merely the reminder you needed today, ya’ll... you CAN do this, and for your kids, you know you WILL. 

So pour a cup of coffee or matcha or espresso if you are in my boat, and go get the job done. Because this never-ending journey of parenting waits for no one, and has difficult and exhausting as the struggle can be, the moments uniquely amazing to your journey are yours, and yours alone, to savor and appreciate, only earned and created through the struggle you endured.

You’ve got this. Xo


Dear Nancy Tillman


Dear Nancy Tillman

Dear Nancy Tillman,

My hope is you get hundreds, if not thousands, of letters like this, from grateful parents like myself. Parents who read their children your eloquent rhymes each night, turning the pages of your stunning illustrations, watching their imaginations run wildly into sweet dreams.

Parents, who like myself this evening, find themselves convinced that like the magic P.L. Travers created in Mary Poppins, know you didn’t just craft those stories for their children. Because even though your stories teach such valuable lessons to our children, as I read the words out loud each night, inflecting as I expect you hoped a parent would, emphasizing each important phrase, I hear you whispering in my ear to listen to what I’m saying.

As I work my way through “The Night You Were Born”, watching my son’s eyes anticipate when I will turn the page to when the bears will “dance until dawn”, smiling with such satisfaction in the merriment of the animals, I rest on the memory of how our hearts danced until dawn the night he was born, erasing the moments he took a stamp and “painted the walls” only hours earlier that evening.

When I take on your next book, “Wherever You Are”, and tell the story of how “I wanted you more than you will ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go”, I lock eyes with my wife each time, acknowledging in that moment, the three years of IUIs and IVF it took to start our family, savoring in everything we’ve created together, erasing any of the disagreement we had with each other that day by the time I’ve reached the page where you wrote, “my promise to you, is you’re never alone”.

If the twins are still awake after two of your books, the third to be read is usually “I’d Know You Anywhere, My Love”. As a parent to special needs, the message of “so if you decide to be different one day, no worries… I’d know you anyway”, provides such comforting reassurance each time. We have no idea who our children will be, but we stand by the promise to each of them that you close out with, of “whatever it is you imagine to be, I’ll just be so proud you belong to me.” In that moment each time, you hold me accountable to remember what my child can and can’t do, and the role I play in their lives as their advocate, their support, and their coach, their teacher, their cheerleader, and friend.

Tonight, as their eyes got heavier, I made it through only the first few pages of “You’re Here for a Reason”, where you remind readers that “you’re here for a reason, you certainly are, the world would be different without you by far,” tackling only a few more pages before they finally fell asleep. I lingered on the page for a moment, but then continued to read: “Life can be tricky, there isn’t a doubt, you’ll skin your knees trying to figure it out.” A tear trickled down my cheek. As I listened to the words I’ve practically memorized by now, it reminds me that even on the hardest days where I think I have no idea what I’m doing as a parent, that “to somebody else, you’ll always be strong.

So, thank you, Nancy Tillman. Thank you for the amazing books that teach such important lessons to both children and parents.

*Oh, and thank you for including so many gorgeous illustrations, especially with the birds… they are my son’s favorite. - XO, Christina Young


Sleepless Nights With Autism...


Sleepless Nights With Autism...

I’ve been meaning to write this post since the first time I shared what a #sleeplessnightwithautism actually looked like in our household on Instagram… Prior to that public share, family and friends hadn’t really seen the picture of what one of our very typical nights without sleep looked like. As I had explained it to folks, sharing that when Luca would wake up in the middle of the night, there was no other option than to give him the iPad and wait it out, the very common response I would get was that the screen was keeping him awake and I should just let him lie in his bed until he fell back asleep. When I would share about Jack’s sleep walking, that it could be upwards of four or five times a night, and worst when it began with a night terror, the common response would be to not let him sleep walk, and to lock him in his room until he grew out of it.

Let me clarify a few things, right off the bat. We sleep trained our twins, just like we slept trained their neurotypical little sister. Alex has slept through the night since she was 2 months old. It just wasn’t our luck with the boys.

The twins were small at birth, Luca was borderline premature, but they didn’t want to separate them, so neither were in the NICU. They remained peanuts, which I do believe effects children’s ability to sleep through the night, because full bellies definitely make it easier.

During the first few months trying to breastfeed twins, I would get as little as 30min naps in between each session. One twin would take about 30 minutes to feed, then I’d have to put him back into his rock’n’play, and rock him with my foot as I fed the other twin for another 30 minutes. After I would get them both back to sleep, I’d have to pump for 45 minutes, and as the twins fed on a 3 hour cycle, it would give me 30-45 minutes if I was LUCKY when all was said and done, to nap before I started all over again.

Now, yes, Steph would and could help. But after the first couple of weeks, when she was back at work, it was nearly impossible for her to. She was on high ladders painting all day, doing physical labor, and making strategic decisions - all things that you cannot do on the lack of sleep (trust me, I know), so I took on the brunt of it, only tagging her in when I needed her.

It did get easier once I stopped breast feeding, and switched to bottles, removing the need to pump, and giving me longer sections of an hour and a half to two hours in between sessions. We had tried sleep training at 4 months, but they were so adamant with not wanting to do it, that I simply couldn’t handle standing outside the door while they cried. I chalked it up to that they weren’t ready. We tried again at 6 months, and same thing. Finally, at 10 months, our amazing nanny at the time said, '‘I can’t watch you do this any more. You are a zombie, and you deserve to sleep.” The twins didn’t need to be getting up to eat any longer, and could at that point make it through. She wrote out instructions, explaining that I was to put each twin in their crib, say I love you, shut the door, go pour a glass of wine, and then text her to hold myself accountable. It was torture. Jack stood up crying for 57 minutes straight before he caved. Luca just laid there and played until he fell asleep, but Jack fought it tooth and nail. The second night, Jack only fought it for 42 minutes, and the third night was under 30 minutes. Finally, on night four, he fell asleep by the 15 minute mark. It had worked. I was about to get sleep again.

The twins were great sleepers in their cribs for an entire year. If they woke up in the middle of the night, they would eventually put themselves back to sleep. But as I was pregnant with Alex, and we were trying to think about making that transition to a family of five, we thought the boys would be ready for big boy beds. Jack had been climbing out at this point, onto his night stand, giving us a heart attack each time, and we knew we needed a crib for Alex, so we bit the bullet. Steph got them a gorgeous set of matching twin beds, and we made a big deal about it as the summer started. We had two months to get them used to them before she came.

But that summer was when the diagnosis was official, and many of the characteristics that come with autism were starting to become more recognizable - including what we now call “sleepless nights with autism”.

Those two months before Alex came were excruciatingly hard. Steph and I would each take one twin, reading them stories, and then laying with them in bed with the lights off, sound makers on, etc. We had tried to make sure we ran them around every night to make them tired before bed, we removed screen time, we worked to fill their bellies and have a really strong bed time routine. But nothing worked. We couldn’t lock them in and let them figure it out, because it became WWE and was always moments away from an ER bill. Even when we laid with them, both Steph and I would get punched, kicked, scratched, jumped on - you name it. I can remember going to work, and worrying someone was going to be concerned about the bruises and scratches make-up just couldn’t cover up. When they asked me at my physical if I felt safe in my home, I explained I was more than safe with my wife, it was my 3 year old twins that gave me pause.

This went on even after Alex was born, except the night time routine got harder. I’d have to feed Alex while Steph tackled the twins solo, and then as soon as she was fed, I’d switch so she could have some time with her before putting her to bed, and I could take the “tough shift” with the twins. There were nights I didn’t make it back to my wife in our bed until after 11pm. We weren’t getting any time together, and truthfully, we were pretty miserable. Even after I’d get them to bed, Jack would inevitably have a bad dream or wake up and sleep walk needing me to put him back to bed after only a few hours sleep. Fortunately it was usually right before or right after I’d feel Alex, but still…. it was starting to become unbearable. We even thought about splitting the twins up, giving one of them Alex’s room, and then dealing with it when she was old enough to realize she didn’t need to be sleeping in our bedroom any more. We figured we could strip the rooms of everything that they could hurt themselves with (joked about padding the walls), and then try the “cry it out” on big kids method everyone kept telling us was our issue. This didn’t solve the issue.

But then something magical happened. The boys turned THREE years-old. You know what they could take when they turned 3? MELATONIN. Our PC told us to give them each one pill, play in the playroom for about 20-30 minutes to get any extra energy out, and then head upstairs for bath-time routine. By the time we got them into the bath, they looked like zombies, so we hustled to get through shampoo, soap and toothbrushes, and by the time pajamas were on, covers were pulled up to chins, eyes were shut and our jaws were on the floor. LEGIT on the floor. In a matter for 45 minutes, our twins were passed out.

Now let me insert a few key things to think about with Melatonin. It’s all natural. SO many people need it. It’s non-habit forming, and ya’ll - when I go to buy it at the pharmacy, they are ALWAYS out of stock. So for all ya’ll trying to pretend you aren’t giving it to your kids- stop playing. You aren’t helping any one. Let’s be REAL about the situation. ESPECIALLY for children on the spectrum. Melatonin is one of the more commonly used sleep tools out there, and one that for us, was a life-saver.

That first night, after we put Alex to bed shortly after, I was able to sit at the dining room table with my wife for an hour, eat dinner, and have a conversation. We hadn’t talked like that in months. This started to become our new routine with this incredible new freedom, and I swear, saved our marriage from possible demise because there was no way anyone could have survived the way we were operating.

Jack’s sleepwalking continued, and around when Jack turned 3.5, he started having night terrors. We think it has something to do with his greater awareness and understanding, because he began to become more anxious. He’d wake up screaming around 9:30pm, and it could last anywhere from 1-5 minutes. This never really woke Luca, because he was “used to it” we thought, but we learned after he got his tubes in, that in fact, he just couldn’t hear him. Once those tubes were in, it became problematic. As you’ve seen if you follow me on Instagram at @twinningwithautism, is that when Luca is up, he is up. It can take him 3-4 hours to be able to get back to rest.

I started to research night terrors, and learned of something called “The Lully”. Unfortunately, they’re on their way out of business, or I’d share it here, because it completely cured Jack of his night terrors, but the science behind it is interrupting the circadian rhythm as they fall deeper and deeper into sleep. The melatonin worked so well on Jack, that it almost sent him into that deep sleep too quickly. Approximately 20-25 minutes after Jack would fall asleep, The Lully, which was a mechanical device plugged into the wall that sat under his mattress would vibrate until it felt a movement reaction. It wanted to wake him ever so slightly so that he moved on his own, interrupting the fall into deep sleep. Within two weeks we saw 70% less night terrors, and by a month in, they had basically disappeared. I will say, that on the days we forget to do it, or don’t get the timing right, he will have a night terror, at which point I just prepare for a tough night- but we’re keeping up with it for the time being.

Our sleepless nights with autism have been more frequently during age 4, because the twins are growing so quickly. Each time they go through a growth spurt, we see more sleepwalking from Jack, and more frequent episodes of night time hangouts from Luca. When Luca gets up in the middle of the night, he will wrestle himself in bed until he’s figured out he just can’t go back to sleep. We’ve tried to give him more melatonin, we’ve tried to not give him an iPad - but he wakes the whole house up, we’ve even tried putting him in the car and driving him around until he would fall asleep. CRUCIAL problem with that last one, is usually it’s me driving him around, and not necessarily safe to do on my lack of sleep. So I’ve learned what works best for he and I is to go to the guest room downstairs, get him a snack to fill his belly, give him his iPad on low light and low volume, and even put a movie on in tandem, riding it out until his body can rest again. Sound miserable? It is, haha, but it’s all we can do right now. It’s not his fault. His brain is going a mile a minute when it happens. Typically it’s when he’s getting sick, going through a growth spurt, learned something incredibly interesting/inspiring the day before and just needs to learn more about it on his iPad, or when something traumatic has happened the day before and it’s upset him to where he can’t sleep - OR, his brother woke him up with sleep walking and now he can’t sleep again. The joys of sharing a room.

Lessons for those going through this, or something similar?

  1. All kids are different, and so are their sleep cycles. If you have a kid who sleeps through the night- kudos! Don’t rub it in, and don’t judge another parent who isn’t getting sleep. If they ask for your advice, cool, but otherwise, keep it to yourself, smile, and find the best empathy you can muster.

  2. If your child is having night terrors, and research it further if you aren’t sure, consider the method the Lully provides. Message me and I can connect you with more research, but it made a world of difference for Jack!

  3. If your child is of age, and on the spectrum (or not and just having a hard time with falling to sleep) talk to your pediatrician about melatonin. It was a GAME CHANGER for us. And for those of you using it and pretending your not- you aren’t helping anyone. In this case - open your mouth, share the truth, smile, and muster the greatest amount of empathy you can.

The good things that come with this lack of sleep?

  1. Last year, I wrote a book, about surviving the first year after diagnosis. It took an entire year, but every morning when I was up for a few hours at a time, I wrote a chapter (or two) and accomplished a personal dream. (Not published yet, was told I needed to establish an audience - so thank you for being here and helping me inch closer to this dream becoming a reality.)

  2. I’ve seen more sunrises in the last year than I had in my lifetime combined, and each time I see one, it reminds me of when my wife proposed at sunrise, one cold September morning, on Race Point Beach in Provincetown, MA. It was a magical moment, one that I don’t remember the details of, but that the same muscle memory of watching that sunrise brings me back to, warming my heart to the 100th degree.

  3. I’ve shown up, for my family, time and time again, for what they need, when they need it. It sounds silly, but it’s something that matters to me. I’ve made sure my wife doesn’t feel what sleep deprivation feels like unless necessary. I’ve made sure to not shame my kids when something out of their control is keeping them from the rest they need.

  4. Lastly, I’ve learned that if I can do this, if I can function in all capacities of my life, undergoing what is used as a significant form of torture in some countries, then I can do anything I set my mind to. That every action I take is a choice - and mine alone. Despite how FLIPPING TIRED I AM, that feels pretty amazing.

My view this morning, March 1, 2020 - no filter…

My view this morning, March 1, 2020 - no filter…

Not quite sure who will read this, as it’ll get posted at 6:30am on a Sunday morning- not a great time to attract readership, and for most who don’t know what it’s like to have a child up in the middle of the night, I would assume this sounds like whining. I promise you, that is not my intent. My goal in all of this is to spread awareness around autism through the eyes of our journey, and THIS… THIS is DEFINITELY part of our journey.

Let’s just hope that they either grow out of it - I’ve heard at age 5 it settles down but who knows if that will be our case - or I get really amazing at operating without sleep. :) PRAYING for the first one.

Enjoy your Sunday ya’ll! And hey… leave a little love if you could. I could use it today. If you don’t want to share this post on social media, I completely get it. But if you’re enjoying the blog, and think someone you know might enjoy it too, I’d truly appreciate a share of the main site: Thanks in advance! And sweet dreams… xo


Hey, Family!


Hey, Family!

When I met my wife, particularly when I first began to meet her friends in NH, I learned what the word “family” could really mean. In joking, she and her friends, would use the expression that someone was “family” if they identified a fellow member of the LGBTQ community. Now yes, the word could have so many inflections, that would be far more entertaining in a podcast - ones for if they thought they were attractive “family” or blatantly “family” - you catch the drift. But the concept was one so many of us our community related to, held on to, and tended to find comfort it. It was about recognizing your fellow brother/sister/human, who may or may not have lived through the struggles you did in owning your true self; who know what it feels to avoid glares of judgement or scrutiny; and who knows what it’s like to make daily decisions around how to live your life as “other”. Basically, it was almost like the “jeep wave” for the gay community - the head nod of acceptance - the instant awareness that you aren’t alone - better yet, you aren’t invisible, and I SEE YOU.


I took my kids to the playground this week, in desperate need to fight the challenges of February vacation where the lack of routine was driving them stir crazy, and their muscles desperately needed to move in the fresh air. It was 9am, so early enough, and much of the playground was still strewn with melting snow. Forty degrees and comfortable, we trekked through the snow to enjoy the swings, the climbing structures, and the many slides. Their cheeks beamed with happiness as they flew down the slides, and let their boots fly through the air as they swung back and forth. 

About twenty minutes into our fun, another family pulled into the parking lot. Two young boys, just slightly older than mine, raced to the playground, as desperate as the twins to soak in whatever sunlight would grace our presence that day. Jack’s eyes watched eagerly as they headed to the climbing structure the twins had ended up on. He looked to me for guidance, and I encouraged he introduced himself. Delighted to have the encouragement, he headed over to the boys and said, “Hi, I’m Jack Y.” - yes, stating only the first letter of his last name, as there is another Jack in the classroom and clearly this is how he is known with his peers. The boys looked at him, but when back to playing together. He tried again, and began to keep pace with them as they climbed to adventure down the slide. 

I was helping Luca climb to one of the higher more adult slides. I wasn’t able to get to Jack right away, because the ladder was slippery from the snow covered boots, and I needed to ensure he safely made it to the top. Jack left impatiently my side, and walked over to the bench, sulking sadly. I took a minute while Luca went down the higher slide, to let him know I would be with him as soon as Luca was down with this one activity, but that I needed to keep him safe because it was slippery. He nodded, understanding, and then looked to his left where the other boys mother had come closer with their younger sister. I smiled, waved, and she said hello. I went back to help Luca one final time, and then all four of our boys headed back toward the swings. 

We got to talking, and she shared that her son was on the spectrum. In return, I shared both my boys were, and she kindly admitted that she had heard how I talked to Jack about needing to be there for Luca in a way that she recognized. Apparently, my behavior felt familiar to her as well.

Her openness in that moment was a “Hey, Family”, and such a comforting one. I had forgotten what it had felt like to be recognized like that by a stranger. We talked for a while as the kids swung on the swings, even exchanging contact information to invite each other to group outings where many mamas of children on the spectrum get together to support each other. Soon, my boys were done, and it was time for us to go. I thanked her for her conversation, and said I’d be in touch soon. 

After I had gotten the twins into the car, and into their car seats, I sat for a moment in the driver’s seat, waiting for the DVD player to load, and just enjoyed that feeling. Since parenting autism, in the months after diagnosis and behavioral patterns have heightened to where my sole focus tends to be on my littles who never stop moving, I feel like there have been times I’ve forgotten to look up for adult human connection. When I’m at a playground with my kids, I’m more worried about what noises may trigger Luca, or if he’ll be patient enough to wait for another child to make their way down a slide, before plowing in front of them, unwilling to wait his turn- or worst, if he uses physical force to make what he wants possible, possible. I had coached Jack that morning to say hello to the new friends at the playground, and although I had looked up to be polite to the other mother- had she not approached me, I’m not sure I would have looked for that connection. Such an important reminder for myself, because those few moments connecting with another parent who wasn’t judging my children, or my parenting, gave me such comfort that I was not alone. That she too, had been wrestling children all morning, and knew the need to risk any snow potential injuries just to get growing boys outside to use their muscles.

Any chance we have to be seen, and to see others, without judgement, and in appreciation for our true selves, is a connection that should not be missed. Hopefully next time, I might be able to provide that to someone else in need… just a little “Hey, Family. I see you. We’re your people. You’re safe here.”

To the following groups in which I feel like I belong, in case you need to feel seen after reading this:

To the parents of little human beings who are trying to work full time: Hey, Family!

To the parents raising magical children with special needs: Hey, Family!

To the women who love the bodies that gave them their babies, but would love to find their body before babies again: Hey, Family!

To the spouses of entrepreneurs who are kicking ass and taking name with their careers, and in support of their achieving their dreams, you are picking up some of the slack at home: Hey, Family!

To the spouses who are trying to make sure their marriage is still a priority while raising a family, and after doing 10 loads of laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, etc (the list goes on) still work to make sure their spouse feels like the most important part of their day: Hey, Family!

To the dreamers out there who are constantly working to achieve those dreams, and willing to do whatever it takes to make them happen (for me, become a published author): Hey, Family!

To the members of the LGBTQ community, at whatever stage of happiness this life finds you: Hey, Family!

To the LGBTQ parents who are raising their families in a day and age where although accepted, the constant need to teach and educate those around you can feel like an additional job all in itself: Hey, Family!

To the LGBTQ youth, still trying to figure out your truth, own it, and be safe in owning it: Hey, Family!


Feel free to shout out your “family” in the comments, or in social media in a share. We all deserve to feel supported, safe, and a part of bigger. XO


Can't vs Won't


Can't vs Won't

Can’t vs Won’t…

It was a typical Saturday morning, wrestling kids over scattered toys in the playroom... too lazy to get out of pajamas, but full of pent up energy as the cold winter weather continues.

The house was a mess, and the playroom looked like it threw up all over itself. Luca was in search of something, but couldn’t communicate exactly what. I followed him out into the kitchen, as I watched his movements become frantic. Asking him if I could help, he replied with “bink” and I said “Ok,” but took a minute to grab a few toys on the floor in the other direction, so I could put them back in the playroom when returned to it, trying to be efficient with my efforts (because when are we not picking up toys!!!). It took a minute too long because when Luca saw that I said I would help, but my actions and body language told him I was saying no, his frustration overwhelmed him for being ignored. As it quickly bubbled over, he turned to notice his little sister walking toward him, pacifier in mouth (unconsciously rubbing it in his face), which set him over the edge. Before we knew it, he went to pull her hair to tell us how mad he was. He pulled so hard that when we separated him seconds later, strands were in between his finger tips.

After calming them both down, getting Luca his bink and putting him in a safe space while being held, comforting Alex separately, apologizing that we couldn’t protect her from just walking through the kitchen, Steph and I looked at each other scared. Luca’s aggression has peaked lately, and his go-to when frustrated is to pull hair. Poor Jack gets the brunt of it. And I can’t imagine how hard it is to be in Luca’s shoes where he has not found the words or understanding on how to safely express his feelings or ask for help to meet his needs, but watches both his brother (who used to share his struggles) and his little sister do so with ease. But as his parents, we are at a loss too. We don’t know how to give him what he needs as we aren’t trained in ABA or therapies to teach a child with learning disabilities to communicate. And what’s harder, is that Luca has the strength of a 5 year old (kid has a six-pack and is crazy strong) but the communication skills of a 2 year-old. Have you ever felt like you were trapped in the wrong body? Poor kid feels it to the extreme every day. 

To try to explain it another way… when we’ve worked with Alex over the last three months, since she begun discovering her sea legs, and becoming incredibly mobile with her sassy waddle, we’ve constantly been on the look out to ensure she avoids all corners to tables not realizing where her head now reaches. As she’s learning to navigate this world, we are constantly working to make her aware of the dangers around every corner, while letting her ride without the training wheels.

When I think of how this relates to Luca… his learning delays almost required him to live life with training wheels permanently attached for the time being, despite that he feels ready to fly without fear of eating pavement - not because he won’t… but because he can’t. He will be five years-old this summer, and his sister who hasn’t even reached her two-year-old birthday, knows how to express her emotions through words with more direct intention than he does. When Alex is sad, she screams, cries and asks for help. When Luca is upset, he bottles it up, holding it in, until he can’t hold it in any longer and it explodes out of him. As he is so introverted, we can completely miss for how long he is frustrated for until it’s so evident that we are in “danger” mode. In the moment it will feel like he’s acting out for no reason, but afterwards, when we retrace our steps, we realize that had we been paying better attention, we could have seen it coming, and more successfully prevented any hurt caused from our lack of notice.

Let me remind you. Luca’s magic is the love that bursts out of that small sweet heart of his. He can be the sweetest, kindest, most caring child. Our son is not a mean or vicious boy, but as we are working to give him the skills it takes to deal with the massive emotion that drives such aggressive acts, we are struggling with remembering and recognizing this one key factor of can’t vs won’t. In the moments we can realize that it’s not a situation of won’t - that he won’t just simply be kind to his sister, or won’t be more patient and trust that I’ll be with him as soon as I can, it gives us the perspective to remember that at this moment in time, he simply can’t be kind when his emotions are erratically racing through his body causing his temperature to feverishly heighten, and can’t wait any longer because maybe this is the 10th time he’s had to compete with two other human’s demands from his mother and at this moment he is tired of waiting. In those moments when we are patient and find grace to breath through any frustration we are feeling with the spiral of effects from this poor child’s moment of defeat, we are able to remember what we can’t vs won’t do as his parents. In those moments we are able to focus on the fact that as mature adults with learned perspective, if we don’t address him to let him know we hear him, it’s not that we can’t be the parents he needs, it’s in that moment, we won’t be the parents he needs, and so we choose to be better. We choose to keep paying attention, keep trying harder, and keep learning what he needs, even if those needs change daily.

We’ve been told by others to discipline the behavior, to put him in a time out, or simply “require more from him.” But I share this because it’s a perspective that may change the way you look any human behavior - understanding if someone can’t vs. won’t in the moment, can help you better determine how you could/should/do react in return. If Luca were to go in a time out, he would laugh- because he laughs when he’s sad or scared. It would not resonate with him, it would have the opposite effect. And heaven forbid he were to be “disciplined” - it would do nothing more than show him that violence is an acceptable response to unwanted behaviors. We can’t expect more from him at this moment in time. That little boy works as hard as he can day in and day out at school with his teachers and friends, and at home with his parents and siblings.

So, we choose to instead, meet him at his level. To remove him safely from the opportunity to hurt someone further. To make sure he knows we weren’t ignoring him and that he has our attention to help calm him down, for as long as he needs. To ensure his sibling(s) are safe from allowing the situation to escalate. Yes, there are times this feels impossible, this weekend being one of them, as Alex felt defenseless, and like a line we weren’t willing to let him cross yet. But in that moment, when we battled our own emotions, we relied on each other to hold ourselves accountable to remember can’t vs won’t.

Because we can be better parents. We can choose to take time to learn more about our son, and everything that he is, not just a diagnosis. We can pay extra attention to his body language, and ensure that when he asks for something, remember that he only asks if he really needs it, so to give it the importance it deserves.

Remember, behavior is communication. Just because someone isn’t using words to speak, doesn’t mean that you can’t hear them, it means you won’t hear them, and are choosing not to. Choose to listen.


Believe in their Magic...


Believe in their Magic...

This past weekend, we did not venture out for any adventures with autism… Instead, we stayed home and tackled the following projects: saved a squid from a toilet drain that has been out of service for over a week in the main bathroom downstairs; rearranged the kids playroom, including building additional storage for all of their toys and mounting a new smart TV to the wall; and replaced the washer/dryer that’s also been out of service for over a week.

Some time during the weekend before last, Luca had been watching the scene from Finding Nemo/Dory (can’t remember which one it is) where they get flushed down the toilet to escape. Thanks to YouTube, he became fixated on needing to set many of his friends free to the ocean, and although some of the smaller figurines may have enjoyed the quick flush to places unknown… two squids that were approximately 2”x5” did not fair quite as well.

It was a Saturday, and Luca had proudly been showing his Granny and Pop Pop all his friends, because every Saturday they save our sanity by coming over to help entertain the kiddos during the two-day break from school routine, and most weekends even let Steph and I get out of the house kid-free for a few hours to grab dinner and bring them home take-out (it’s glorious!). Luca had just shown his squids, that are meant to be played with in the bath tub, and then took off with conviction towards the bathroom. In the past he’s loved to wash his toys in the bathroom sink with warm water and soap, so we didn’t think anything of it… until we heard the flush. I swear, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I looked in his direction, and then back to the three other adults who didn’t seem to be quite as concerned, before rising from my seat to investigate what may have lost its life to the porcelain swimming pool.

When Luca exited the bathroom empty handed, my heart sunk a little. Nervously I entered where he left, but found the toilet seemingly unchanged. I took a breath, shrugged it off, and exclaimed to the others “Luca is flushing toys down the toilet, no one leave him unattended.”

I can’t remember what then distracted me from my own demands - I think someone needed diapers to be restocked from the basement - but for the 60 seconds I was downstairs, despite that Granny had picked up on the not leaving Luca alone, and followed him only trailing behind him by 20 seconds or so as he darted toward the bathroom to exile another friend - a second squid made it down the toilet. I came up to her laughing saying, “another one bites the dust” and I thought to myself- no way is that going to be good.

We ensured he was not allowed in the bathroom solo for the rest of the evening, went to the extreme of putting a child-lock on the seat, and kept an eye on the toilet which appeared to be unharmed during the mission. We even went to bed thankful that night that it wasn’t one more mess of collateral damage that we’d have to fix due to YouTube teaching our children how to do something destructive.

But the next morning, the first flush at 5am shattered all dreams of a completely unsuccessful mission, as the bath toys that Luca had flushed, had begun to float toward the surface, clogging the toilet. No need to share with you all the dirty details, but that Sunday afternoon we went through TWO snakes trying to get the squids out. The first snake was a VERY old snake from my in-laws house, which in retrospect I wish I had had more sense to realize a really old toilet snake only means one thing - it was used in toilets prior to now- so I highly suggest buying a new one that’s at least only been used on your toilets (if you get my drift) - and then the brand new one that I went to buy at Home Depot after trying to use the other one for a solid thirty minutes, not finding any success, and just pretty grossed out.

Like most battles with fix-it-esq home maintenance, I exhausted my every try, and lost miserably. And then, my wife, entered the battlefield of our bathroom, spent less than five minutes trying to work the snake, and proudly whipped out the first squid. It seriously felt like one of those situations where you work all your strength trying to open a jar of pasta sauce, only to hand it over and have someone release the cap with ease, to which you defend your honor with a “that’s because I loosened it for you”. Yea. As she held back her grin, despite it’s need to beam ear-to-ear in satisfaction, I found every ounce of energy I had left to sass back at her with the reminder there were two squids missing, and she had only found one.

After maybe another 20 minutes realizing she was never going to get it, we commissioned the first floor bathroom out of order, and went back to our Sunday. It wasn’t until the very end of the week that we were able to revisit fixing the porcelain throne, because it required completely removing the toilet, and Steph’s dad’s help. Wouldn’t you believe it though, that the moment they got it off, this is what they saw?


I swear he’s laughing at us.

The following day, we decided it was time to put together the storage that had been sitting in our basement, to get the kids playroom to the next level. Two additional shelving units, and a TV with mount, meant that at any given time, both Steph and I would be occupied without the ability to entertain a twin while the baby napped. Yes, every instinct I had said to wait until a day when we had an hour while kids were elsewhere, but we had done that for over a month at this point, and it was time to listen to the amazing Mel Robbins, count backwards from 5 and just get the job done.

Yes, it had it’s moments of stress, but Steph’s willingness to teach the boys how to use her power tools, proved to be the highlight of the day. Even Luca wanted to try, and did so with great patience and attention - two qualities we are strategically working on with him. I was doubtful of his ability to be gentle while working on the television- convinced he’d step on it, or get mad and throw the drill at it, but he listened so intently to Steph while she took the time to teach him, that he surprised me. We were able to assemble both bookshelves, mount a new tv, get rid of extra toys they don’t play with, and make more space for them to play.

It was such an important reminder for me that it’s important to keep giving the boys opportunities to prove all doubts wrong - at least until my muscle memory gets rid of all doubt, remembering that only celebrating their magic isn’t good enough - I have to BELIEVE in their magic too. If I’ve learned that part of Luca’s magic is having a heart of gold, and how that fosters his need to take care of who/what matters to him, and belief in doing “whatever it takes”, than I need to remember to think 5 steps ahead at what that could mean for expensive home maintenance, celebrate how beautiful that will be for him when his relationships of importance grow from small figurines to life-changing individuals, but also believe that his small little heart can love so fiercely that nothing will hold him back. **SIGH** I do feel like that heart of gold may actually cost us some gold as his imagination becomes more adventurous, but boys will be boys, right?


Three Strikes and Birthday Parties...

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Three Strikes and Birthday Parties...

I’ve found that every weekend lately, I’m learning something new about how our family functions with autism. And as the twins are of the age where their friends are all having birthday parties, many weekends are dictated by who is celebrating what, where the event is, if we think our kids could handle it, and if it’s worth all of the domino effect that it will inevitably put into play by attending said friend’s celebration. Yes, I will admit that there are many “school-related” birthday parties that we politely decline because of this domino effect that can require a week’s worth of clean-up due to sensory overload and an overwhelming anxiety attack for the twins that sends them so far off the irregular edge that regularity can literally take days of a routine to remind them, calm them, and re-regulate them. But when one of your best friends is celebrating a birthday, even though it’s at one of the least friendly places for children with autism and sensory issues, you figure out how to show up. 

Towards the end of last week, as Steph and I were gearing up for whatever the weekend would entail, she noticed the birthday invitation reminder on our fridge, and asked me if I thought we should ask our old Nanny to come with us, so we could be 3 vs 3 (three adults vs three kids). Typically, I would have said yes, but for some reason (Insert FOOT IN MOUTH and KICK MY OWN BEHIND), I said, “Babe, these are our people, we will have plenty of friends who can help if we need it. Besides, the kids will follow J & P’s lead, like they always do.” I’m not really sure why I was so confident, as I’m usually far more aware. And, as the very open helicopter parent, my wife just assumed because I said it would be ok, then it would be. This wasn’t just another friend’s party, this was our very best friends party. We would know everyone there, including all the extended family. Our boys knew their extra “uncles” and “aunts”, who were all friends turned into chosen family because of our friendship with the parents, and we knew they knew our family- so we knew if we needed help we could ask. But this, this decision to not bring extra help, would be my Strike One

On Saturday night, Jack was having a hard time wanting to go to bed, so I reminded him that his friend J’s birthday party was the next morning. He LIT up, saying how he was going to hug her and sing her happy birthday, quickly getting into his pjs and tucked under his covers in the hopes falling asleep would bring him closer to celebrating her. He woke up that morning, cheerful and practicing singing, in great anticipation for the party. (Thank goodness it was a 9:15 am party or practicing patience until an afternoon event may have been pretty trying for a Sunday!) He even shared with Luca and Alex about our special trip that morning, and they all practiced singing together.

When we pulled up to the parking lot for the party, we noticed our friends standing outside, hands and arms full of bags, waiting for the event venue to be unlocked. After a few moments, when they were allowed inside, we headed in as well. Cowabunga’s is a large indoor play area, with plenty of jump houses, a maze, some party rooms, and then games, etc. As it would not open to the public for another hour, the music was on low, and there weren’t more than 20 of us inside yet, providing a very low key for our kids to start their morning off at ease. They ran after the birthday girl to play on the maze structure with glee.

I’m not sure why for a moment I stepped off my game, but I saw the stress on my friend’s face, looked to my wife for the nod of the go-ahead, and jumped in to offer my help. The cupcakes had toppled over in the carrier, the cake topper had been forgotten at home on the counter, and she looked at me and said “I may need you to…” to which I immediately I nodded and said of course! She handed me the cake mess, extra frosting, paw patrol rings for toppers, and I went to work. It felt so familiar in this strange comforting way, that I think I stopped worrying about my kids for a beat. (WINCE) Ya’ll… I’m a helicopter parent - there’s a reason why you don’t stop worrying about your kids for a beat - ESPECIALLY in an autism-nightmare of a location. But, I was selfish, because as ridiculous as it sounded - it felt so good to be needed by my friend. As I watched the other moms arrive with their kids - moms from the school where all their kids go together - moms who I watch their relationships with my friend play out on Facebook of all of these amazing trips that only neurotypical families could do - and I watched them smile and laugh about the same eye lashes they had tried out (which sounds so simple but always something that is very “girlfriend-esq” and something that I had missed with my friend for the last few years), I don’t know... something selfish in me wanted to be the friend who was helping with the stupid cake. So instead of checking on my spouse and three children, not doing the math calculating if more moms were arriving, so were their kids, which meant the noise level and body count were rising where my kids were, two key triggers for the twins that could turn a good situation bad very quickly, I focused on frosting cupcakes to be “that friend” who helped her friend in her moment of need. 

I may have spent a total of seven minutes helping my friend re-ice the cupcakes, throw decorations on them, and move them to the party room. SEVEN minutes. Shouldn’t be a big deal. But when those seven selfish minutes were over, I walked back into a very small enclosed space with two large bounce houses that the party had been moved into, with over 30+ kids and their parents, where it was so loud I couldn’t even think, and as my eyes fell on my wife inside a bounce house - the severity of those seven minutes sunk in. It was almost like that scene from Four Christmases (if you haven’t seen it, it’s hilarious, but the scene that played out before me of a grown woman in a bounce house was not bringing on the laughs of Reese Witherspoon chasing down a toddler for the “pee stick” she stole... it was more like in the terrifying way of if my wife is in the bounce house, something is wrong), and as my gaze followed her arm reaching to the top of this very large bounce house, there stood Luca petrified, tears pouring from his eyes over his beat red cheeks, too scared to come down, but frozen and unable to save himself from all the children pushing past him to get to the slide. I quickly felt Alex grasp my legs, and Jack yelling “Mommy” on her coat tails. My wife looked back at the sound of his voice to see my arrival and ya’ll - it was not a great look in my direction - then she refocused on saving Luca. I yelled for him, and when he saw me, he let Steph get him down, and we took our three crying children out of the room to find a quiet spot to calm down in the large portion of the facility. This, this was my Strike Two.

It took a solid 10 minutes of breathing (for everyone, not just the kids), and redirection before we all got back on track. Steph explained that everything had been fine for the first few moments, but as more and more kids had arrived, Alex wanted to keep up with the “big” kids, getting herself into the actual bounce house, which forced Steph to take her gaze away from watching Luca climb the structure, and then to find Jack as she instantly realized he had disappeared to a corner, scared of the noise and extra friends. Steph had quickly asked 6-year-old P (the older sibling of our best friends kids) to go find and comfort Jack while she worked to remove Alex from getting squashed by larger children in the bounce house.

Once P brought Jack back, and Steph had gotten Alex out of the massive blown-up structure, she began to search for Luca again. Unable to find him, she looked to one of our “chosen family” friends and asked him where I was, to which he explained that I had been helping with the cake. She gave him a serious plea to get me quickly, but by the time he had exited the room, I was already on my way in. The thing is… yes, our amazing friends there that day knew us… had been around the kids since they were born… but they didn’t really know the severity of what could have happened in that moment. They didn’t know what kind of danger Luca could have been in at the top of that bounce house if we couldn’t get to him in time. Because unless you are living with autism… unless you are parenting it during some of your children’s most scared moments, most vulnerable experiences, you can’t understand what SEVEN SELFISH MINUTES can mean.

We were beyond grateful that the staff said our kids could play in the larger portion of the space and didn’t have to go back to the small enclosed room. Another mom had headed out with her toddler as well, and so we all played together, enjoying the space in quiet. We watched the kids chase each other up and down the slides, rushing throughout the maze to play hide and seek, eventually discovering the area where they could send soft small balls up an airshaft, into a bucket, that they could eventually release like a rain shower back into the pit. This became the favorite part of the morning. 

The kids played throughout the space for nearly 45 minutes, even after it opened to the public, and families we didn’t know continued to enter the indoor play facility. We followed them in their exploration, ever aware the birthday party was continuing on behind closed doors without us, in a space our kids simply couldn’t function.

IMG_1067 (1).JPG

At one point, Luca entered a jump house of two large slides. He explored the area with the ladders that allowed you to climb up to the top, ever curious but too scared to climb.

Thinking he would love the large slide if I could just help him up there, I climbed into the bounce house behind him, and began to help him up the stairs. I didn’t force him, but he held on to me so tightly as we hoisted ourselves to a new height, should have been an indicator to me that he was more scared than excited. At one point, when we were at the very top, he said “No, Mommy, no” and threw his arms around my neck tightly. I reassured him, “I’ve got you buddy, it will be fun!”, and quickly slid our bodies down the slide to the bottom. When we got to the bottom, I looked eagerly at my son, expecting to see pure delight in his face, but my gaze met anything but. “All done,” he said as he wriggled out of my arms, “socks and shoes, buh bye” he finished with. That was it, my Strike Three.

And just like that, what I had expected to be an awesome Sunday, had me benched from that “mom-of-the-year” game, chasing after my son who’s fight or flight risk had kicked in and he was headed toward the door. Although I was able to distract him by the toys for sale until I could grab my wife’s attention, our morning was rushing toward a close. Once all three kids were together, Steph allowed them to look for a toy, and I reentered the private party room, searching for our shoes and jackets, and stealing a quick hug from our friends, apologizing for having to leave in such a rush. We got all three kids layered and shoes on, leaving Steph inside with Jack to pay for the prizes they got for good behavior, so I could exit the building safely, holding Luca to my hip in a way he couldn’t run away from me in the parking lot, letting our Toddler walk herself out of the party holding my hand. Half his age, our neurotypical daughter could control herself with more discipline than her brother, understanding the dangers she faced in a parking lot in a way that Luca simply can’t. When he is in sensory over load, he does not look, he simply runs. He does not get scared about a parent not following him, or not finding him for whatever reason, because he isn’t even scared about or aware of what dangers could face him where he runs. Both Alex and Jack, they look to us when they fear danger - Luca, however, merely runs from it- into the unknown. So when he is in flight mode, the only focus we can have is how to get him safely secure in to the car, until he calms down.

Jack never got to sing Happy Birthday to his friend as she blew out the candles of her four-year-old cake. The moment when we were all in the car, he realized that he missed the ever-important birthday milestone, the one he had practiced all morning to make sure he could do just like the other kids, and became very upset. We promised we’d find a way to celebrate her at another time, even offering to bake her a cake, but there was no consoling this loss for him. Kicking and screaming, crying uncontrollably, he eventually exhausted himself into silence, falling asleep in his chair.

In truth, I could understand what he was feeling. I might not have thrown a temper tantrum, but I knew what it felt like hoping we could have been there when the lights went down and the candles awaited wishes to be blown to celebrate J’s birthday. My selfish seven minutes where I just wanted to be “that friend” again, “that friend” that could be relied on to fix the current disaster, or “that friend” who was in on whatever the “current thing” was - even if it was silly eye lashes - those selfish seven minutes weren’t any different than my four-year old throwing a fit as we drove away from a birthday party he so desperately wanted to attend, but couldn’t really handle. 

I cried on the way home, sharing with my wife how sad I was about how the morning played out, admitting that I was selfish because I missed my friend and was jealous of all the other moms who were living the friendship I thought I’d eventually get to live with the person who I thought would be my “mom-person” during the chapter of raising our kids. I admitted how ridiculous I felt in being proud to have been the person she needed to fix the icing - I mean, it was ICING! How ridiculous is that?

I cried like my four-year-old cried about his disappointment of the day.  I cried as I shared that lately I felt like outside of her (my wife), my best friend was my Mother-In-Law, because she was officially Granny Nanny, and my greatest confidant because I never got out any more. I never had girl’s nights, because they always conflicted with bedtimes for the kids and the kids needed their routine in order to get any sleep, a routine that required I be present from the hours of 6-7pm. Granny watched my children every day after school so that I could continue to work. She understood that their behaviors weren’t something that needed to be “disciplined” and that my parenting wasn’t causing their outbursts, like many liked to judge when they would watch us in public places. She understands that it can take everything you have, on a night after no sleep, to be patient and be what the twins need. We don’t go to salons and get our nails done together. We don’t stop by the mall for a cappuccino and to buy a new blouse. We do drink wine together- but that’s a different story. Granny has become my person because she understands what it is to care for someone with autism in a way that my friends with neurotypical families simply can’t. I couldn’t be more grateful to have someone like that present in my every day.

Steph held my hand and let me cry as we drove home. No judgement, no longer angry that she was the solo parent during my seven selfish moments, and when I was done crying, she simply said, “I get it. It’s ok. It’s just not our life.” She looked over her shoulder quickly and said, “they need us. And you and I, we just aren’t those type of parents who can ignore that.”

Living with autism can be very lonely- for both those with the diagnosis, but also those effected by the diagnosis. As lonely as it can be, I wouldn’t change a thing about it for our family. Next time, I’ll make sure we bring a third adult. I’ll make sure I fully understand what the party structure is like. I’ll make sure I remember it’s a kids birthday party, not a girl’s night out catching up with my best friend, and let someone else take care of the icing. The wins from that day, the really important moments that I would rather focus on, are that our kids over came fears, had so many happy moments, and that Luca was able to tell me when he had had enough. It’s all about perspective. There will be another birthday party where we can do better for our kids. Where we can ensure they get to experience all of the magic of celebrating important moments with their friends, and where Jack gets to sing when the candles get blown out. 

What I learned this weekend was that despite all the challenges we knew we would face, we still showed up. Yes, we couldn’t last very long in the greater scheme of the party, but we were present in attendance for the people we cared about. Yes, I may not be the friend that could set-up all the food, but I am the friend that showed up 10 minutes early and who wanted to be who fixed the cupcakes so my friend didn’t feel alone in the chaotic panic of the moment. Yes, we had to leave early, but we lasted nearly an hour and a half, in one of the most chaotic sensory-overload locations you can think of. The photos we posted that day were of smiling children enjoying a typical childhood experience at a play place. They didn’t capture the images of Luca terrified at the top of a bounce house, or of my wife trying to juggle children while I iced cupcakes, or of Luca trying to escape through the exit, or Jack screaming and crying strapped in his car seat, frustrated he couldn’t just go back in to sing to his friend. It’s not a lie, what we post to social media, it’s the memory we want our children to remember about how we enjoyed their childhood with them. That when their friends had a birthday party, we showed up, had a great time, and made sure they knew we were there. 

And yes, I may have completely struck out, but like any amazing game of baseball, I have the most incredible teammate to rely on for support, for council as I tried to understand what I did wrong, for reassurance that it was only “one up at bat” and who reminded me that we learn something every time we are open to learn. The point is, if we teach our children anything about life, I hope it’s how important it is to show up for the people you care about, even when it scares you or makes you uncomfortable; that anytime you strike out - whether hypothetically - or hopefully, actually playing baseball/softball (because we seriously love baseball/softball!!!) - you can learn something from it, something that will make you stronger and wiser the next time you step up to that plate; and that the very best part about the game of life is who you chose to play alongside, for they show you what being a team truly means.

***For the neurotypical parents reading this, please note, the moral here is to not host your parties at venues like Cowabungas, because that is why those venues exist and 98% of the kids that day enjoyed every aspect of it. This is merely our experience in case others are getting of the age to approach how to handle birthday parties, in the hopes it can help their navigation to make it the best experience possible.

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When your kids don't feel well...


When your kids don't feel well...

One of the hardest things I have found through this journey, is watching one of our children in pain while feeling helpless to figure out how to help.

Luca woke up last night after being asleep for about an hour - screaming in pain, and it wasn’t until after five or six very long minutes of our trying to get him to tell us what was wrong, trying to give him words like “it hurts” or “owie” to differentiate if he woke up with a nightmare or if he was in excruciating pain; showing him his “what hurts picture chart”, begging he show us what hurts, to simply work to calm him down enough that his actions began to focus on his ear, tugging and pulling and screaming as he refused to let me let him go. 

Luca was so upset but refused to take pain medication, so we did what tends to happen when the twins are in that much pain- a Tylenol suppository- which is equally awful for both the child receiving it and the parent providing it.

After about ten minutes, the medicine kicked in and his shrieks became cries, that began to subside to whimpers. We held him as long as he needed until he was ready to go back to bed, truly exhausted but still in steady pain.

Thinking our boy would finally be ready to rest, we went back to bed, only to hear his level 10 pain screams again. We took him from his room so he would not wake his brother and walked him around the kitchen, holding him close and trying to comfort him while we checked with our doctor. After being advised to try Motrin- which inconveniently does not come in a suppository, we had to hold him tight and work to get him to take the Motrin (majority of which he spit all over us). 

This is when his fight/flight mentality kicked in, and he ran for the basement door to leave the house. After trying to distract him in numerous ways, and calm him down so that he wouldn’t wake his siblings, I decided to put him in the car and drive towards the ER in case he couldn’t calm down. I grabbed warm clothes, socks and shoes, and both our jackets, and we headed out the door.

Two minutes in the car he was at peace- still holding his ear, but the movement and being strapped in tightly in his car seat, upright where the pressure would subside. 

Great, I thought, some peace for the poor kid. But then, as I was driving with instrumental pop on Spotify to sooth him, I realized that it was nearly 10:30pm at night… and I was tired. I don’t mean the kind of tired where you’re annoyed to still be up… I mean the kind of tired that was dangerous to be driving. So I text my wife and said I was going to bring him back. He was content after all, right? 

The moment we got back to the house and I brought him upstairs, hoping we could cuddle together to a movie until he passed out, he started screaming again. Loudly! I tried bringing him to my bed, where he refused to stay, clearly determined to wake the whole house up. I ended up snapping at my wife when she asked why I didn’t just bring him to the ER like we planned- because she was saying it from her position tucked in bed where she’d been sleeping while I had worried about driving off the road with our son in the back of the car. 

When Luca tried to escape again, still screaming, I realized we very well may need to be in the ER all night. So I grabbed our things again, put him back in the car, and headed to the hospital. About 15 minutes into the drive, he began to fall asleep. I thought about the ER during flu season, and how many joked the hospital I was headed to was where people went to die. I thought about the hospital bill that would come from a potentially long evening with a screaming autistic child where I could be told there was nothing they could do, while exposing Luca to something much worse. So I decided to take a left and head home instead of continuing on to the destination. I got home and it was just before midnight, but this time Luca was so exhausted he let me cuddle him in the guest room until he passed out. 

I crawled back into my bed after midnight, drifted off to sleep, and felt a jolt a few hours later when Jack crawled into bed with us at 4:30am. Oh the #sleeplessnights of parenting children with autism. You’ll hear so much in regards to the lack of sleep I’ve gotten since pregnant with the twins, which will better support the fact that the one blessing in disguise last night was that Jack actually slept through the night so that I wasn’t juggling two sleepless toddlers. There truly is always something to be grateful for if you can keep the right perspective. 

I brought Luca in to the doctor today expecting without a doubt in my mind that he would have a nasty ear infection. But after a quick examination from the best doctor I know, she declared his #eartubes were in tact and clear, there was a little drainage, but otherwise, he would persevere. The direction was to try Flonase and continue with the tylenol/motrin. Although I did not get the diagnosis that would give him a shot of antibiotics and magically cure everything for him, I did watch Luca get on the scale by himself, and then ask the nurse to check his height but standing under the measuring tape anxiously looking up at her; I listed to him say hello to the doctor, and let her listen to his heart beat without fuss; and I watched him proudly grab my hand when it was time to leave and say “see you soon.” All important moments that didn’t happen at our last visit less than 3 months ago.

And yet, I sit here as I type this, and I anxiously await the day that Luca can say to me, “Mommy, my ear really hurts”, or “yes, the medicine helped”, or even, “I’m so sad”. I know for so many parents of amazing nonverbal children, they’ve navigated the other opportunities for communicating with their children beautifully, and this is an area in which I should find patience and excitement for those days, versus the anxious frustration I feel in the moments when I cannot help my son. But I am human, and I am forever grateful to have a partner in this #parentship (parent partnership), so that I do not have to navigate it alone. 
