Taken by Amy Freak (2011).

Taken by Amy Freak (2011).


I am a TV Drama junkie- I can't get enough of Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Chicago Fire, Nashville, and yes- ask anyone who knew me growing up, I was addicted to Dawson's Creek.

Having over an hour commute each day to work has forced music to be my sanity - so I will admit that I have a healthy obsession with Sara Barielles. (Own every album, know every lyric, and stalk her concerts.) I also love country music- everything from Lady A, to Miranda Lambert, and Luke Bryan. OH! And Ryan Tedder rocks my world- crazy talented lyricist.

brady xmas.jpg

We have two dogs- Brady (seen above) who's been with me since 2006, and Piper (seen below) who was my gift to my wife when I took my current job at Franklin Pierce University. 

I am a food junkie- although I love to cook, I don't get to do it as much as I'd like to- but my favorite thing to cook is Italian. My comfort food is anything cake- and red velvet on the really necessary days!

I am an extremely proud older sister of one younger sister and two younger brothers. Growing up in a large Italian family, we were spoiled with love and support, tons of good food, and many words of wisdom from our Nana & Papa.


Hi there! Thank you for visiting my website! I am Christina Young, photographer and designer for Christina Young Photography- once known as Moments Captured by Young Photography. What started out as a hobby has grown into a passion that I just can't get enough of, and as the business continues to build, I'm starting 2014 out with this new brand!

A little about me... I'm a romantic, a dreamer, a creative risk taker... I met the love of my life in 2008 through what I consider a leap of fate. Yes - fate, not faith. (I warned you, I'm a romantic.) My wife, Steph, proposed on Race Point Beach at sunrise.  I fell in love with photography when Steph and I had our engagement photos taken by our dear friend Amy Freak. Below is a photo from the shoot that included our pup, Brady- did I mention I love dogs? Because I do!

Taken by Amy Freak (2011).

Taken by Amy Freak (2011).

I began to learn more and more about photography- and decided to create a side business. My career has been focused in Alumni Relations for Higher Education for the last 7 years, and I had always loved the designing aspects, but more importantly- the people whose stories I got the privilege to hear every day. 

Taken by Ciras Photography (2012).

Taken by Ciras Photography (2012).

Steph and I were married on June 23, 2012 in Milford, NH and were SO THRILLED that our dear friends Heather & Jesse Ciras from Ciras Photography were able to do our wedding- and their work just completely clinched my love for photography. I spent 6 months building my portfolio, and officially started taking clients at the end of 2012. It has been an amazing year, and I am so thankful for my amazing clients!

I can't tell you how much I love to take photos- and tell your story of love and laughter they way you want it to be told. Your story is simply that- YOURS. Wether it's one of the most important days of your life when you are promising forever to your true love; or the first few days of your newborns life where it's crucial to capture it before it is over; or the chance to remember your senior year of high school before you head off to the adult world of responsibility - all of these moments deserve to last forever- the way you want them remembered.


For weddings I do work with two amazing second shooters. It's so important to capture your special day from every angle- and I am always SO delighted to see what my second shooters bring to the collection. If two shooters is not enough- you can hire all three for your big day! 


I shoot with Nikon Products, and although I am constantly upgrading and growing my collection of equipment, this is what is in my camera bag:

  • Nikon D700 body
  • Nikon 24-20 mm lens
  • Nikon 50mm 1.4 lens
  • Nikon D7000 body
  • Nikon 18-140 mm lens
  • Nikon 70-200 mm lens
  • Nikon 35mm lens
  • Nikon Speedlight SB700

I ALWAYS have back-up batteries, memory cards, and utilize both camera bodies throughout wedding season.