Viewing entries tagged
NH Family Photography

Smiles Ear-to-Ear


Smiles Ear-to-Ear

Looking back at my college years, one of my favorite people of all time who always made me laugh- is my friend Andy. After many shows, years, and tons of laughter (catching a theme here), we hit official "adulthood", and life took over. When he met Amy, I knew that she was it, because SHE made him smile the way he made everyone else smile - and it was so amazing to visit with them and their absolutely adorable daughter Charlotte! We laughed the whole time- especially at Charlotte's "CHEESE's" and tickle-fests. I hope you enjoy their family photos:  

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Remember parents... I know your sessions are about your kids- capturing how they grow throughout the years... but remember that when they look back - they want to see YOU as partners in this life- the love you have for each other- but more importantly, how happy you make each other. They want to see you SMILE just looking at each other. Just like Andy and Amy! Charlotte will be able to look back and remember how FUN her parents are, and how important it is to have fun with the one you spend your life with. Andy & Aimes, thanks for a great session! XO

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