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Mother's Day

Next Mother’s Day

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Next Mother’s Day

Next year, for Mother’s Day, my kids will sleep in, letting us sleep in, and when they finally get up, will play together nicely, working extra hard for calm hands and quiet voices because they know it’s their moms’ day. They will take baths after breakfast, and get dressed in whatever matching spring outfits I found at Jcrew weeks earlier, so that I can take their annual photo in the Apple Orchard where the blossoms that have just begun to bloom make the perfect setting of white gorgeousness.

Next year, for Mother’s Day, when we get back from taking photos, we will put tables out on the lawn, decorated with gorgeous colored clothes, and have flowers everywhere. The kids will have made cards and gifts, and will be on their very best behavior, playing in the yard while we set up for our guests.

Next year, for Mother’s Day, I want to host a big brunch outside in our back yard. I want my mom to drive up and feel spoiled for making the trip, because all her children and grand babies are there to be with her. And when she and my mother-in-law sit together, laughing and watching their grand babies shower them with love, they will get along like old friends, without any awkward conversations or family drama that holiday gatherings typically endure, because we will all just be grateful to be together.

Next year, for Mother’s Day, we will grill deliciously marinated meats, paired with roasted vegetables, and pasta salads. We will make fruity drinks, and have an array of desserts that inevitably the kids will want to eat before dinner, and because it’s a happy day of celebration- we will let them. We will eat too much, take a break, and then eat again, while still having more than enough tasty treats to send each of my siblings home with some for the next day.

Next year, for Mother’s Day, I will sit on my deck after an amazing meal, and watch those same siblings teach their niece and nephews how to play croquet, and bocce in the yard, making memories that will last the lifetime of my children until they are old enough, and fortunate enough, to have littles of their own to teach as well. 

Next year, for Mother’s Day, after the day is done, and the kids have been bathed and put to bed, I want to be able to give my wife a card that enclosed in it, tells her I have booked us a weekend away, where there are no children, and we can just be us for a night again.

This year, for Mother’s Day, it will feel like every other day lately, and that’s OK. We will laze in our pajamas during the morning, and only change into clothes (or a clean set of pajamas-don’t judge) when we are ready. As soon as Luca finally goes back to bed, since he has been up since 2am, I will too, and we will both rest our bodies for a couple of hours before officially starting the day.

This year, for Mother’s Day, we will get take-out from our favorite local breakfast place, and our pup, Piper, and I will enjoy the ten minutes of silence the car ride there takes us, while we wait for curbside pick-up, without anyone else in the car. It’s the only quiet we find since schools closed and the house no longer holds that solace for either of us.

This year, for Mother’s Day, my siblings and I will hop on a Zoom Call with my mother, to send her our love virtually, and safely, in this new normal, because she is of the at risk, who has done everything she possibly can to stay safe during this pandemic. As a breast cancer survivor, and someone who knows first hand what it means to fight for her life, she values every day since, and is taking every precaution to not have to fight again for a very long time.

This year, for Mother’s Day, the second virtual FaceTime call we will make will be to my father. First, to wish my step-mom a Happy Mother’s Day, but second, to see how he is doing on his the first one without his mom, who we lost to this pandemic less than a month ago.

This year, for Mother’s Day, as the day goes on, we will watch movies, and play indoors, because oddly enough, it snowed yesterday, and not conducive for yard games, or a photoshoot. We will most likely have to make up some of the school work we have missed this week, because sleepless nights with autism have made it hard to do much more than survive- working to keep all the kids happy, and safe from aggressive behaviors, let alone meet the homeschool requirements.

This year, for Mother’s Day, we will eat something from the crock pot or air fryer, or some sheet pan recipe, like we do on most days during quarantine when it’s not warm enough to grill. If we take a ride anywhere for take-out or drive-thru, we will make sure to bring happy Mother’s Day cards with the kids scribble drawings on them, to give to any mothers working on a day they should be home with their families, giving them with extra heartfelt thanks for everything they are doing to make sure our families can get what we need. Particularly because like many kids with autism, there are days our twins rely on nuggets and a happy meal to get any protein for full bellies. 

This year, for Mother’s Day, when my in-laws makes it over for dinner, I will have a glass of Chardonnay waiting for Granny, and two open arms for a hug, because as she is in our immediate circle, and someone we see every day helping with child care, she is someone we do not have to social distance from, and such an important lifeline I will be grateful to celebrate the important day with. We will makes sure to overly thank both her, and Pop-Pop, because without them during this pandemic, I am not sure we would be making it through with the grace and patience they make possible through their support.

This year, for Mother’s Day, when the kids are bathed and finally in bed, I will give my wife a hand-picked card, with as much love that I can write in it, telling her that whenever this is over, we will get time for us again. With the card will be boxes of her favorite movie candy, and an invitation for date night, where we rent a movie and put away our phones for the duration of it, pretending for two hours that no one needs us so we can just enjoy each other.

Mama, if you are like us, and preparing to spend this Mother’s Day in an unusual way, I hope my dreams of next year’s Mother’s Day help to inspire you to think of yours, in any of the moments when this years don’t feel like enough. Because there will be next year if we all do what we can to stay safe, continue to social distance, wash hands, and slow the curve.

And to all the incredible mamas who have to work this year, whether it be on the front lines in our hospitals and ERs, or as first-responders, and fire and police woman... to all the incredible mamas who are essential workers, and required to work in order to get that paycheck to feed their families, as delivery workers, mail service carriers, grocery store employees, pharmacy staff, gas station employees, and restaurant employees- thank you. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for all that you do. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there- whether you birthed your children, or earned the title with every diaper change, life lesson taught, tear-stained cheek wiped, and open-armed hug- if you hold the title and meaning for someone today- may your day be filled with as much love as you have given to those who made you a mama. Until next year... XO

PS: I’d be remiss if I didn’t send a special Happy Mother’s Day to two additional women who shaped my life in ways that are instrumental to my ability to be a present, happy, and respectful mother. To Ma, up in heaven, who always gave me a home away from home, without question or expectation, I hope one day to have the house all my children’s friends want to be at every weekend. And to Anna, who continues to teach me about the mother I want to be, I’m so grateful to be able to ask the question: what would Anna do, and instinctually know the answer.

And to my love, my children’s Mama, and to the only reason I knew I could be a mom in the first place, because you promised to always be by my side… our parentship is the thing I will always be most proud of - despite that COVID19 is challenging it on a regular basis, forcing us to grow and be better every hour of every day for our children. Thank you for helping to leave a legacy where the best is still yet to come. Happy Mother’s Day. xo

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