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10 Things We Wish You Knew When We Tell You Our Child Has Autism


10 Things We Wish You Knew When We Tell You Our Child Has Autism

There’s this look that people get when you tell them your child is on the spectrum.

This pity/sympathy look (depending on the authenticity of the heart of the human you are telling) that always shows up the second that label is attached to the ones you are responsible for.

In fairness… It's a look that my wife and I both felt when we were told our twins were on the spectrum.

It’s a look that I believe comes from a misunderstanding of what autism actually is, because despite the fact that it's held a significant definition in our world for the last four years, it’s not one that we had any experience with before we met it face-to-face, times two.

So in the hopes that the following may help you, dear reader, the next time you hear a certain label of diagnosis, here are the 10 things we wish you knew when we tell you that our child has autism…

  1. Autism is not the worst thing in the world. Autism does not mean our child is dying. Please save the gravity of that look for those who are bearing tragic diagnosis’ and dealing with children who are facing far more severe labels like cancer, and leukemia. 

  2. Autism is not just one thing… Autism is a spectrum - an incredibly large and unique and diverse spectrum that can mean a million different things for each and every child. No two children on the spectrum are exactly alike, just like no two humans out there are, so please avoid assumptions and classifications that you’ve typically jumped to beforehand.

  3. Autism is not an epidemic. It did not just show up over the last two decades. Yes, maybe the research and resources made available because of that research have been more prominent over the last two decades, but it did not just show up. It’s been studied for more than 80 years, and the results of that research are merely starting to make a notable difference for those with the diagnosis. 

  4. Autism is not because of how I, or my wife, have parented our children. In the 1950’s, when society got many things wrong, might I add, they had the audacity to propose the “refrigerator mother hypothesis” suggesting that autism is caused by mothers who weren't “emotionally warm.”  I promise you that our children have been loved, with the most “emotionally warm” hearts, not by just one - but TWO mothers, since before they were even conceived. 

  5. Autism does not mean our children are not engaging, loving, or able to connect with others. Yes, autism has been defined as a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges - but it does not mean that it always does, has, or will for every child on the spectrum. Many children on the spectrum are the sweetest, most loving, and engaging with those who they trust, feel safe with, and let into their world. While we are so often working with those on the spectrum on how to form relationships with those outside the spectrum, we should be spending equal amounts of time encouraging those not on the spectrum to work on forming relationships with children like ours. 

  6. Autism does not mean a lack of or inability to have empathy. In fact, those on the spectrum experience extreme empathy. Our son can often feel crippled with empathy when he bears witness to someone he cares about being harmed in anyway, even if only emotionally. 

  7. Autism does not mean that someone is incapable, has a low IQ and/or significant learning delays. Although for some there are learning delays, and lower IQs, many on the spectrum are actually brilliant. But on the flip side, Autism does not mean that someone has a special gift either. Yes, many on the spectrum, because they are differently wired, have a special skill or ability that makes them a savant in a certain area of interest, but this is not necessarily true for all on the spectrum.

  8. Autism does not always appear in physical stims, or heightened aggression. Yes, although some children on the spectrum do indeed physically stim and display heightened aggression, where others can go through what we’ve discovered is more of an internal stimming where their emotions are what run rampant versus their physicalities, and then some don’t experience it at all. 

  9. Autism can not be outgrown. Autism is not something that a child is diagnosed with as a child, that the outgrow like an allergy or a bad habit. As children are worked with at a young age, because of the incredible resources out there for those with the diagnosis, they develop the strategies to adapt as expected in social and educational settings. They are taught about their place on the spectrum, and worked closely with to help them build their awareness around where their strengths are they can rely on, and the areas in which they will need to apply extra energy throughout life so that those delays/deficits do not keep them from finding success.

  10. Autism is rarely found in girls. Statistically, 1 in 68 school children are on the spectrum, but 4 out of every 5 of those are boys. It’s not that autism is rarely found in girls, it’s rarely diagnosed because it often goes undetected. For girls on the spectrum, it’s found to be an internal battle, versus the external one for the male counterparts. We are taught from a young age about the importance of “being a good girl” and “acting like a lady” along with so many other scripts that are fed to females in ways that males are not. If the awareness and education of what autism can look like internally, throughout the spectrum, was taught, but also supported and understood, perhaps girls would feel comfortable sharing how they were actually feeling, thinking, and coping from a young age, where their voice would be allowed and heard. If this social shift were to occur, I feel in heart that those numbers of 1 in 68 would not only shift, but the 4 out of 5 would as well.

I find it fascinating that we create our first impressions about someone within the first ten seconds of meeting them, but it can take weeks, months and even years of time to reshape how that initial feeling created so quickly. 

It is my hope that for those who don’t have experience with autism, sharing our story helps to shift the standard information opinions are fed with, versus some of the incorrect stereotypes that can provide such negative connotations. 

Because the thing is… we don’t know what we don’t know. None of us do.

I know we didn’t the first time around, and it took months with it staring us in the face day in and day out to see what we were missing. I’d give anything to get that time back.

So maybe, just maybe, this can help you feel more informed the next time you hear about someone with the diagnosis of autism. 

Because there is a lot of amazingness that can be missed if you’re stuck in an uninformed decision you made in 10 seconds, during the year it could take you to learn otherwise.

