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Hi, I’m Piper.

Could someone tell me what’s going on?

My little humans haven’t left my house in weeks. It’s never quiet any more.

I was just getting use to having Mom home during the day, and the extra attention she’d give me when everyone else was gone. Now, I’m lucky if she gives me a snuggle when I climb into bed at night.

Momma still leaves the house every day, but when she’s home, I can tell she’s stressed. When she rubs my belly and scratches my neck, I can feel how tired her hands are from working all day. She hasn’t wanted to wrestle in a few weeks either.

Don’t get me wrong, there have been some perks…

Like the snacks the littlest human gives me regularly - she’s a good sharer. She and I like a lot of the same foods: chicken, peanut butter, and bacon. Now that she’s tall enough to get to the cheese drawer herself, she can be easily convinced we need another cheese stick,and that she only wants the first few bites.

Just the other day, one of my little humans, who doesn’t typically like me, and who pulls my tail for no reason, rubbed my back with his foot when I laid under the table. After dinner, I asked him if I could lay by him on the couch, and when he didn’t tell me “no” or to “stop”, I approached with caution, his eyes watching me the whole time. I gave him fair warning, eased in next to him, and felt his body get calm near me. He even put his hand gently on my coat.


While I laid with him, I could tell my little human wasn’t sure what was going on either. His energy was restless… and almost scared. I just laid there with him for a while until his breathing settled. He doesn’t talk much, so I wasn’t expecting him to tell me what was wrong, but it was nice to feel needed by him.

The other little human, the one who doesn’t stop talking, he knows my name now. He even tells his friends about me when he’s on the screen. Just yesterday he told me to say hi. Maybe soon he’ll want to play with me more than just making me the bear during that hunt game they play every day.

I love my humans… I really do… but…

Could someone remind them I’m out of Greenies? I saw Mom’s stock of my food in the basement with all the little humans food - but I don’t see any more greenies.

And maybe ask them to go back to school? I was just starting to enjoy how happy they were when they saw me from the bus window.

Thanks in advance… - Piper.
