Special thanks for her willingness to be featured about goes to the gorgeous Sarah Scoville Menard. xo
The All About That Bass: Redefining Beauty Project
This year has been pretty amazing – and it’s not even over yet. Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I look at how crazy fast photography became such a defining role in my life. But when I look back at starting this side-business two years ago, I remember why I started it, which got me to thinking. As this year has been so amazing, I want to find a way to give back – but in a way that truly represents why I do the work I do. The reason why I focus behind a camera, trying to freeze real life in a way that can be captured in its purest form forever, is because I learned the sad way that our memories aren’t always remembered as long as we think they will be.
Ten years ago, one of my favorite people on this earth was taken away to be among the angels. When I first met my cousin Rachael, it wasn’t in the conventional sense that cousins meet – as Rae was a gift from my Uncle Fran’s marriage to my pretty spectacular aunt Patti (Rae’s mom). She and I met when we were teenagers, and as I came from a large Italian family where the girl cousins were out numbered by boy cousins in a 1:4 ratio, it was not only refreshing, but amazing to get another girl in the group who was my age! Rachael and I hit it off right away and were pretty much inseparable at family gatherings. We’d stay at each other’s houses for long weekends, have long marathon movie days, walks and talks like lifelong friends – and when it mattered most, she was simply there. I can remember the first Thanksgiving after my parents got divorced, I didn’t want to be around anyone. As soon as we made it through dinner, she told her mom she had to drop something at a friend’s house, and snuck me out. She never made me talk about it, but instead distracted me the best she knew how, driving around until I was ready to go back and face the crowd. Now… at this time – I don’t even think Myspace was big yet, and we definitely hadn’t heard of Facebook, which means, a “selfie” was a far-off dream. When Rachael passed away from a peanut allergy on October 29, 2004 – I was devastated. It didn’t take long to realize that she and I hadn’t taken any photos together. In fact, I didn’t even have any of just her. This was mind-blowing to me. How could someone who was so important to me, had meant so much to my life, be gone, and yet, I barely had anything to remember her by?
One of my favorite photos of my cousin Rachael, stolen (with love) from my Aunt Patti's facebook page, that's also displayed in my living room. Wasn't she beautiful?
I started this company in the hopes that I could help people capture their memories forever, so that they can cherish the moments without fear of losing them like I felt I did. I’d give anything to have a photo of Rachael and myself from when we were younger. Sure, I could probably Photoshop one – I am that good (wink wink), but it’s not the same thing.
Rae had always teased – calling me her beautiful Italian princess. You see, Rachael was beautiful – stunning in my eyes. She was this tall, freckled-faced, pale skinned, exotic looking girl, who had dreadlocks! Something I never could have pulled off in a million years – but it was a look that was unique for her. I think she always felt like she stood out in our Italian crew of cousins – but it is my hope and belief that she knew we considered her as not only part of our group, but just as much an “Aprea” as any of us. So in honor of Rae, on this 10-year anniversary, I wanted to start a project that could represent her in a way she would be proud.
One of my favorite artists, Colbie Caillat, recently put out a video for her new single “Try”. That video is part of the inspiration behind this project. (If you haven’t seen it yet, please check it out here - it’s amazing.) I just love how she shows the beauty behind the makeup and the extra efforts women go through to feel beautiful every day.
The other inspiration, hence the title, is Meghan Trainor’s new song: “All About That Bass”. I seriously can’t get enough of it, and even though it’s a little trendy- I love that it emphasizes to all women out there “every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top.” So between wanting to honor Rae, give back to the amazing client base who has helped my business grow so quickly over the last two years, and incorporating the concept that the every woman is beautiful no matter their age, size, skin tone, style, height, etc., I proudly introduce to you the “All About That Bass Project.”
What I’d like to do is work with five women, all different ages, and showcase why they are beautiful for one day. I’ll be working with incredible vendors to assist in pampering each woman that morning before their photo-shoot that afternoon. Each participant will receive a cd with five edited high resolution images for their keeping, as well as some other goodies.
Participants can nominate themselves, or be nominated by someone else, and fall into one of the following categories. (One woman will be chosen from each category.)
5 – 15 Years Old
16 - 21 Years Old
22 – 34 Years Old
35 – 49 Years Old
50+ Years Old
In order to enter, share this blog on facebook, leave a comment that you've entered, and then please email christinayoungphotography@gmail.com with the following information:
Your Name:
Your Email and Phone Number:
Name of Your Nomination:
Age group nomination is in:
Why you are nominating that woman?
What is beautiful about her that you think this opportunity could capture?
The contest will be open until September 30. At which time we will take a week to review the nominations and make our choices. The winners will be announced by Friday, October 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. The participants are required to be present in Bedford, NH on Sunday, October 19, from 9am to 4pm.
If you are interested in participating as a vendor, please email christinayoungphotography@gmail.com, as I'd be happy to work with you!
Thank you for reading, and please, feel free to share on facebook even if you aren't nominating anyone. Perhaps someone who hasn't heard of the project yet will be interested!
Rae, if you're watching - I hope you are smiling, and proud...
All my love. XO